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(A/N- Shit I published this on ao3 two hours ago but forgot to post it here! SORRY <3)

Paul spent most of the final day of his heat asleep. He was shattered, which John expected, and so with Paul asleep in his own bed, it meant that John could do some well needed tidying up. For the last four days, the two rooms had been nothing but a sweaty mess. John knew it was finally time to open some windows and send some blankets to the laundry room.

First off, John called George in and asked him if he could take the dirty washing off their hands. All of the sheets, blankets and pillowcases that Paul was not strictly using all went with him.

"Just these, sir?" George asked, as John poured the fabrics into the basket that the Beta was holding.

"Yes, for now." John sighed, brushing down his hands on his black jeans. "It is almost over, so I assume there will not be much more to wash once this day has passed."

"Of course not, sir." George nodded. "Tell Paul that I hope he is doing well."

"I will do, George." John smiled. He was glad that Paul had a friend such as George, who cared for him. John had had many fake friends in his own life, people who just wanted his money and fame. This meant he could spot one a mile off. George was not a fake friend. George bowed to the Prince before swiftly exiting the room.

John stood in the drawing room for a further little while, staring at the ground. It had been a dramatic few days... The palace were still organising Michaels 'trip' to Aquitaine, the teenager who had poisoned Paul was still in police custody, refusing to answer most of the police's questions... And to top it off, Paul had been too out of it for John to inform him of any of these things. Even if John had explained the facts about the boy in custody to Paul, Paul would not have remembered it. His mind was cloudy and forgetting.

The Alpha slowly made his way over to Paul's bedroom door, pushing it open slightly. It creaked a little, but John wasn't worried about waking the Omega. Paul was out like a light, he would wake up when his body felt it necessary to.

John stared at him from the doorway, smiling at how gorgeous he looked. He was tucked into the silk bedsheets, the only part of him showing being his head. His hair had fallen over his closed left eyelid, and his cheeks were tinted a rosey red colour. Soft snores fell from his pink lips, and John could see his chest fluctuate underneath the sheets.

It was a beautiful sight, Paul was just so incredibly charming.

He continued to admire Paul for a short while, not wanting to move an inch until he was forced to. And then the telephone rang from in his own room, much to John's dismay, and he knew it was time to leave.

"I love you..." John whispered to the boy, blowing him a sweet kiss even though Paul could not see him or hear him in the slightest.

John then closed the door behind him, proceeding to run through the drawing room and throw his own bedroom doors open. The noise from the telephone got louder, and John grumbled in slight irritation.

"Hello?" He asked, as polite as he could.

"John!" Ringo's voice beamed, and John could feel his shoulders relax. "You said you wanted me to find out more information on that bloke who has been arrested, did you not?"

John's eyes widened.


"Well, you came to the right person." Ringo spoke, rather proudly. John focused his attention solely on Ringo.

"Go ahead..." The Prince urged, reaching for a pen to write on his hand.

"Alright... Anthony Denton. Born on the 12th of April, 1942... He is 18 years of age and is a Beta."

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