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It had been three days since Mimi's heart attack, and John was at the Palace, getting ready to go and visit Mimi once again. George had received a telephone call from Martin, who had been visiting her at the time, saying that the monarch was finally awake.

Paul had wondered if he should go with John, not knowing if Mimi would wish to see him or not. However Paul went anyway, knowing that John needed the support. Paul had needed it when John had been injured, which Julia had provided, and so he was going to provide it for John no matter what.

As John got changed, Paul received a telephone call.

"Paul, you should get that, it's your telephone." John spoke, buttoning up his shirt.

"It will not be important, otherwise George would have told us-"

"Please answer it, Macca. It could be important." John tried to persuade Paul, and eventually succeeded.

The young Omega jogged over to the phone, before picking it up fast on its final ring.


"The King of Rotherham, for you." An operator spoke.

"Yes, do put him on." Paul responded, and the phone went to hold straight away.

"Hello?" A sweeter sounding voice was soon heard, and a smile appeared on Paul's face.

"Mikey..." Paul grinned. "It feels like we haven't spoken in forever!"

"I know, brother. I have just been so busy lately..." The younger sighed.

"I know..." Paul sighed, now hearing the exhaustion in his younger brother's voice. "It's not fair, you're only young..."

"But it is my duty, I must, brother. No matter my age." He explained. "Though I do feel a tremendous amount of guilt... As if this is your throne... I feel like an imposter, sometimes..."

"Mike, you are no imposter. The throne was not made for Omega's, not unless there was no other option. Omega's are the last in line for thrones, we both know this and always have done..." Paul informed him, with care. "The throne is yours, Michael. You are more cut out for it than me. And that is not because you are an Alpha, but because you're stronger than I am."

"I'm not stronger."

"No you're not..." Paul joked, and the two light-heartedly chuckled. "Look, we can't help who we become... You just happened to become King. Though it is unfortunate you are only sixteen."

"Well I suppose the time had to come sooner or later."


There was a short pause.

"You're not... Mad at me, are you?" The younger's voice now seemed fragile, so frail.

"Mad?!" Paul asked, shocked. "Oh, Mikey, whatever for?"

"For taking your place... For stealing your thunder."

"Mikey, you never took my place. Father liked to pretend that my place was the throne, raised me like I was going to be a king and then stripped me of it all when I presented, but that was him. He knew there was a chance I could be an Omega and he ignored it. It was never my fate to rule Rotherham, even though father pranced around for years pretending it was..." Paul explained, gently. "Mike, the throne was always yours. And I am glad, I know how great of a King you are going to be, and I am happy over here with my future King. It all worked out in the end, my brother."

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