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My Dear Brother,

I wish I could have delivered this letter to you sooner, but every time I tried, my plan was sieged. Father has forbidden me any contact, however I will not stand for it. He will not make my decisions for me, most certainly not.

I had my courtier to find me a new, secret, telephone number, which he did so perfectly.

Telephone- 6542 8647

Please call on a private line, I have a lot I must inform you of, brother.

Your loving brother, Mike


Paul silently read the letter, his eyes re-reading it. He honestly could not believe what he was reading. His brother was willing to defy his father's orders, just to stay in contact with his older, useless Omega brother?

His eyes watered up.

John's hand had suddenly appeared in the younger boy's back, helping him into his feet as Paul's eye's continued to re-read the letter. The Alpha whispered something to the repair man, however Paul did not hear. His ears were ringing with confusion.

The next thing he knew, he was stood in his own bedroom, John standing worriedly next to him.

"Whatever was it, Macca?" Paul seemed to snap out of his trance at the nickname.

"It... It was my brother." He responded, quietly.

"My God. Is he alright?" John was clearly worried, probably thinking Mike had died or something.

"Yes, yes. He is perfectly fine... So I predict, anyway." Paul explained, still slightly in shock. "It's just... He told me that he was going to defy our father's orders, and stay in contact with me... The letter contains his phone number..."

A wave of relief flushed over John's pale face, colour coming back to his cheeks.

"That's- Well that's brilliant! What are you waiting for? Why don't you call him now?"

"John, it's 12am... For the last time..." He groaned, immediately regretting the sarcastic comment as soon as he said it. At this point he was taking advantage of the freedom John had given him, there was simply no need for Paul to act so sarcastic. "I'm sorry."

"Please do not apologise." John laughed, fondly. "I do understand. It's ever so late... But I'm sure your brother will sleep better once he has heard your reassuring voice."

Maybe John was right. And it may even calm Paul down too.

So without another word, Paul just nodded, slowly making his way over to the wooden bedside table withered the telephone lay. He stared at the black telephone for a while, gazing at the object like it was about to jump up and bite him.


"Hm?" He shot his head around to John.

"I am just going to remove my attire... I will knock before I come in incase you and Michael are talking." The Prince smiled, and Paul nodded.

"Thank you, John."

The Alpha gave a charming smile, before exiting the room, leaving Paul to stare at the telephone once more.

It was a good 2 minutes before Paul actually picked up the phone, and a further 30 seconds before Paul dAnG through to the control room.


"Hello, Omega consort here. Please may I request a private line?"

For a few seconds, he was scared that they would refuse. He cursed his past self for saying who he was. Why would they grant an Omega a private line?

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