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"I'm afraid that in the morning we must be out of bed at sunrise..." John sighed to the nervous Paul from across the table, reaching into his pocket. The Prince pulled out a cigarette, and Paul's eyes shot out of his sockets. John noticed the odd action. "What is wrong, Paul?"

"Nothing..." Paul shook his head, attention falling down to the dark oak table below him.

"Are you certain? You looked rather spooked for a second." Even though the Omega was not looking up, his ears caught the sound of John lighting the damned tobacco in his hand.

"Yes, John."

Before John could even think of a response, the two froze at a small, timid noise. It sounded like scratching, and was coming from behind John, seemingly from the other side of the mysterious doors opposite his own.

"Ah." John nodded to himself, standing up. Paul didn't say anything, just stared at him with an unsire expression. "Oh it's alright, honest." John smiled, fondly, using his free hand to grip onto the golden door handle. "Question, do you like cats?"

The Omega's eyes shot wide open once more, the boy's rather timid and uncertain frown turning into a contented smile.

"Oh! Oh, yes! I adore cats!" Paul chirped at the question, leaving John a little shocked at the outburst of sudden excitement. Nevertheless, the Prince let out a sweet chuckle. "Sorry..."

"No, no... Please... Do continue."

"Can I- I see the cat? Assuming this conversation is meaning that you have one..."

"Indeed I do..." John grinned, pushing the door open slowly.

Through the little gap, a grey and white cat came running out. Paul was an expert on cat breeds, and he clearly could see that this one was a tabby cat.

"Oh, hello, baby..." Paul cooed as the darling animal rushed straight over to the new and unfamiliar Omega.

"This is Pyramus, he is... Hmm... Eight years old, I believe." John grinned, "Aren't you, baby?"

The cat purred, lifting his body up so that his paws were on Paul's grey trousers. The tabby began meowing at Paul, purring repeatedly. Paul certainly did not think this would be how his fist day turned out.

"He's such an attention seeker." John chuckled, stroking the cat sweetly over his head and down his back.

"Oh no, this is nothing..." Paul explained, feeling relaxed at the conversation of cats. "My brother and I, Michael, used to own a cat. Beryl was her name, and she used to purr every five minutes if we did not dote on her constantly." He chuckled, and John smiled up at him.

Paul wished they could have talked more about cats, the sleep must have brought something of confidence out in him, however a knock on the door of the drawing room cancelled his wish immediately, as well as his mood.

"Enter." John rose to his feet, and the cat immediately jumped down. The feeling of nerves returned to Paul's veins, and he dropped his head down once more.

"Sir." A man, who Paul had not yet met, bowed to John.

"Brian. What is it you desire?" John asked, his tone... Changing. It rather startled Paul.

"I came to discuss the plans for tomorrow, your highness."

"Indeed." John nodded, expecting Brian to continue. However the courtier did not, rather just stood, staring rather unsurely at John. "Yes? What is it?"

"Well... I- Uh..." Brian's eyes were on him, and it became clear to Paul why the conversation had not continued.

Without a word, The Omega stood up to leave and revisit his bedroom, but a voice stopped him.

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