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Pls imagine the phone call in italics 😭

John walked at a fast paste, all the way down the corridor and round the corner. He had to get to Martin's room as soon as possible, he just had to know where the hell Mimi had disappeared too. She was sick, for Christ's sake!

He approached the wooden door, harshly knocking on it until Martin's footsteps were heard just at the other side of it. The Chamberlain opened the door with a initially with a tilted head, but his eyes soon shot open at the sight of John. He bowed, quickly, waisting no time in asking...

"Your highness... Whatever is the matter?" Martin asked, scared for the young man's nerves.

"Martin... Do you know where Mimi has gone?"

"Her majesty? No... Why, is she not located in her quarters?"

"Stuart informed me that Mimi was just seen leaving the palace." John spoke, in a rush. "Does she have anything scheduled? Tennis, horse riding or such?"

"I am afraid not, your highness."

John sighed into his hands, leaning his side against the doorframe. He ran his cold hands down his face, over his eyes and then over his mouth. His hands remained pulling at his chin as he asked the next part.

"We must find her..."

"Your highness, I am sure her Majesty has just left for some fresh air..." Martin tried to reassure him, though he was also clearly a little nervous.

"Fresh air? No..." John spoke immediately, moving his hands to his sides and looking to the ground. "Yesterday, on her way back from the family lunch Mimi had a panic attack... It was horrible. She was hyperventilating, crying... She passed out in her bed. It was awful to witness, Martin. She is not /fit/ to go out to get some fresh air. She's hysterical!"

"Good lord..." Martin's face soon filled with worry.

"We need to find her. I do not know what kind of mindset she is in this morning."

"I agree, I shall call Jennifer, her Majesty's phone operator, right away and see where she asked the car to go." Martin spoke, wheeling his chair over to his telephone.

He grabbed the black phone, dialling the number for Jennifer as fast as he could. It rang for a few seconds, John's eyes remaining fixed on Martin.

"Jennifer?" A female voice could be heard from the other end. "Yes, it is Martin... May I ask if Her Majesty has made a telephone call in the last, say, twenty minutes?"

It went silent for a few seconds, before the voice spoke again.

"Yes, I understand that you can not give out personal phone calls from her Majesty, but this is a worry for Her Majesty's health, and I am afraid I must insist of knowing this information so we can make sure she is safe and well." He explained, and John was once again glad that a man like Martin was hired for this job. He was perfect at being the head of the house. "Yes, thank you. Now may I request to know where Her Majesty asked the car to take her?"

There was silence for a little longer this time, before a voice once again.

"Thank you, you have been a great help." Martin replied, leaning closer to the phone holder getting ready to immediately put it down. "Goodbye."

"So?" Asked John, looking as stressed as ever.

"Jennifer told me that she had the car take her to Hersey's County... God knows why..." He spoke, standing to his feet and quickly clearing his desk.

"We need to go and get her."

"I agree." Martin nodded, pushing his chair under the table and heading over to the door, grabbing his coat from the hanger on the back of his door. "Come on."

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