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After fifteen minutes, nobody had passed them. The road remained completely isolated, the only noise being the low hustle of leaves tormented by the wind. However now the sun was beginning to set, and the temperature was dropping slightly.

"Paulie, I don't think anybody's going to pass..." John sighed, wrapping his arm around the Omega's waist.

"Somebody has to." Paul defended.

"Well someone has not done so in the last few minutes, Macca... If they do, it might just be a miracle." The Prince spoke, running a hand through his hair.

Panic had made itself at home in the pit of his stomach in the last few minutes, as well as fear and discontent. John and Paul had rushed from the palace with no thought of where to go. They had brought no disguises, barely any money...

They had not planned the trip at all, and now John felt as if they were being punished.

"Well... Well then what do we do?" Paul asked, voice timid and shallow like a shy toddler.

"We just... Get comfortable here, I suppose."

"How many miles are we from the village?"

"Only a couple... Around a twenty minute drive awa-" Out of nowhere, a lightbulb seemed to go off in John's brain. For a brief few seconds, the scared nature in his stomach was gone. "The village! We- We can walk there!"

"Walk?" The Omega questioned, puzzled. "John, will that not be around an hours walk?!"

"Maybe... But it is a journey we must make."

"But what about the car?" Paul added. "I mean, what if someone does come down here, and they see the car there, empty. Nobody's going to see a million pound Ford sat there empty and abandoned, think it is reasonable and drive on! They could steal it."

"Paulie, darling..." The Alpha took the Omega's hands into his own, facing him. "How are they going to steal a car that won't start?"

The Omega just blinked at him, clearly rethinking his mistake. Before...

"Christ, you're right. Whatever was I thinking?" The boy chuckled slightly, admitting defeat.

"You were thinking about what's best, Macca. And thank you."

"No problem." He smiled back, leaning in for a kiss. Their lips joined for a few seconds, before the younger pulled away. He looked around for a few moments, eyes resting on the view behind the sea. "No, we can't set off now... It will be dark soon, and there are no lights on this road. I do not want to be walking on a cliff edge in the dark, barely even at all if I am honest."

John looked around, and indeed on the horizon was a patch of orange sky. His gaze travelled higher, and the orange did morph back into blue, however that blue turned darker and darker.


"However, luckily we are not expecting any rain tonight... That much is good." Paul pointed out, also staring at the sky. Until his gaze broke away, and he stared behind the car at the space closer to the cliff edge. There was a patch of grass that he was eying up. "We should start a fire."

"A fire?"

"Aye, for light and warmth, the temperature dropping and all." He shrugged, as if it was the most obvious information in the world.

Well, maybe to him it wasn't. But to John... This was new talk. However John couldn't help but be amazed at the slight irony, how a boy who had been cooped up in his room for four years could know more about the great outdoors than himself... It was bizarre, however John wasn't complaining.

His Majesty (Slide Away)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora