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18th June, 1965

"Happy Birthday to you..." Paul could hear in the distance, his mind still mostly switched off and asleep. "Happy Birthday to you..."

When a hand gently shook Paul's shoulder he finally began to stir from his slumber. He groggily opened his eyes, smiling when he saw what was up.

"Let's start again, shall we?" Spoke John, in a kind voice.

The room was filled with quiet giggling.

"Happy Birthday to you... Happy Birthday to you..." John sang, once more.

"Happy Birthday dear mummy!" Another voice sang, from safely tucked in John's arms.

"Happy Birthday to you" The two harmonised, and Paul couldn't help but grin. They were so sweet.

"Thank you both..." The Omega smiled.

"You're welcome, Mummy." Little Mary spoke, making grabby hands to Paul for him to hold her.

Of course, Paul could not say no to his little girl. She was an angel, and was perfect to him. With her tiny little button nose like Paul and her light auburn hair like John, the three year old Princess Mary was the spitting image of both him and John. She also had Paul's hooded eyes and small ears, along with John's thin lips and cheeky wit.

Mary, named after both Paul's mother and Mimi, was a surprise to both John and Paul. Nevertheless, as soon as they heard the news of her existence, they were thrilled with excitement. The Kingdom adored her, but they didn't see too much of her. The King and Prince wished to keep Mary and their future children out of the spotlight as much as they could, until they were old enough to decide if they wanted to be in it themselves.

They also planned that neither of their children were to be trained to be King or Queen until they present - this mainly meant Mary, as she was the first born and would be Queen anyway. It was now legal in Aquitaine for an Omega to be King or Queen if first born, but both John and Paul wished for their children to experience a normal childhood too, which was the main reason reason for the holdback. It was what both John and Paul deserved, but did not get, and they planned to do their upmost best to make sure it was something their children got. Every child deserved a normal childhood.

"Now, Paul- I mean, Mummy." John began, heading over to the door in Paul's room. "I am afraid we had to have aunty Astrid cook your breakfast. Mary and I attempted, but it went horribly wrong. Didn't it, honey?"

"Yes... Daddy overcooked your bacon!" Mary giggled, and Paul gasped dramatically.

"Is this true?" Paul played along, looking over to John, who was just about to push the door handle down.

"I am afraid so..." John sighed, dramatically. "However! Astrid ended up cooking it, and here it is!"

John pulled open the door, and in walked George, a tray apparent in his hands that had a plate of bacon and eggs on it, along with a cup of tea.

"Breakfast for one!" George announced, playfully.

Mary started to laugh at the childish courtier, and best friend of John and Paul. George was Mary's favourite 'uncle', but although he was her favourite, Ringo was close to being the favourite, too. The two often joke fought about it at lunch.

"Thank you, George." Paul smiled, setting Mary down beside him, before taking the tray from George's hands.

"Right, happy birthday, Paul." George suddenly rushed out. "I am terribly sorry to rush off like this, but the husband is taking me out for breakfast so that we can have dinner here for your p-" John shot him a warning look, and he soon changed his course. "Parole... No-"

His Majesty (Slide Away)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora