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"Do they have a date yet?" Paul asked the person on the other end of the phone, twirling the cord around in-between his left fingers, a wide smile on his face.

It was of course Mike who he was talking to, it having been a week since they left Rotherham castle. The brothers missed eachother, and now with it being easier for the two to make contact with eachother, they had both been discussing Mike's coronation for ages now, having only just moved past the outfit talk to finally discussing the date.

John was lay on the bed in Paul's room, reading an Alpha aimed magazine that Ringo had gave him. Every so often he would see Paul's hands waving drastically around in the corner of his eye, trying to get his attention. Those moments happened when Mike had said something that Paul wished to tell John, and so once John was looking he would proceeded to try and mouth what Mike had told him to John. It was sweet, and John found it cute how he was spinning on a chair, messing with the phone cord and smiling.

"July?!" He exclaimed, looking directly at John as he gasped the words.

"Well, when do you want it?" He asked the new King, his own eyes now on his feet.

"January? See I think that is perfectly reasonable!"

"But too soon..." John added, still staring at his magazine. He flipped the page nonchalantly.

"Hold on, Mike." Paul placed his hand over the microphone, abruptly turning to face John once more. "What do you mean?"

"Well, I would say February. More time to organise the whole thing... Mike surely does not want his coronation to be a rushed occasion." John added his opinion, before shrugging his shoulders and turning back to his magazine.

"Mike, John says February." He informed the younger.


"Yes, I agree."

"February it is then! Go and tell them Mikey."

All of a sudden, after twenty long minutes, Paul placed the phone back into the holder. He took a large sigh, raising to his feet and stretching.

"I fancy a bath..." Paul randomly blurted out, looking in the direction of his on-suite.

"Hm?" John hummed along, flipping the page again.

"Yeah..." Paul longed out.

By this point, any person with normal intentions of having a completely normal bath would have made their way over to the bathroom. But Paul... No. John knew what Paul wanted, he wanted John to join him. But he didn't want to verbally ask him, for whatever reason.

Maybe he was nervous...?

Or maybe he just thought this was hotter?

Of course, John would love to bath with him. To see Paul soaked in water and bubbles with wet, dripping hair. He could remember his hair dripping on one of the first times he had ever met the Omega. God, the thoughts were gorgeous.

But John wanted Paul to ask John, rather than just teasingly imply.

"Go and have one then." John spoke, blatantly.

"Okay..." The Omega spoke, now rather sheepishly.

He seemed to have suddenly shelled up, actually making his own way to the bathroom now. Except this time his head was facing the ground. The teasing had disappeared, and he was actually going to bath alone...

He looked sad.

"I'm only joking." John piped up just as Paul reached the door.

The younger's head shot around at those words, and as soon as John began to chuckle, a smile appeared on the Omega's face. He bit his lip, cutely.

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