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*news reporter*

The man was stood outside of the hospital, behind the void of people and in front of the door.

It has been three days since the Prince of Aquitaine, Prince John, was shot by the Queen's ex-courtier. The Prince is still lying in a hospital bed, and from what we have been informed by royal officials, he remains completely unconscious.

His husband, the Omega Paul, had not left his side since the Prince was rushed to hospital. Close friends of The Prince have also visited him, his sisters, too. Princess Julia has also recently made an appearance. However we are yet to see an appearance from the Queen.

Many Aquitainians are unhappy with the way her majesty has handled the situation, and many fear that what happened to King James of Rotherham may be the fate that the Queen is heading for if she does not change her 'disgusting' ways.

The rumours said about the Omega Consort the other day have since been disproven as a bunch of lies and more people since have gathered outside the palace. Everyone here is on Prince John's side, and they feel terribly for Omega Paul...


Julia did not leave the hospital last night, instead, she stayed the night along with Paul. The staff had fetched another seat, and there they sat, watching John's almost lifeless form. He looked so broken, his shoulder in a cast and bandages around his arms and head where he had hit the floor. His neck was bruised, and he looked ever so pale.

Julia had been telling Paul stories, ones of when John and his siblings were younger and had lived with her. She called it the greatest time in her life, and had cried at many points. The two had laughed and cried, but they had John in their minds in everything they did.

Paul had woken up first, kissing John's palm and whispering a good morning to him. The Omega's back was hurting ever so much, as falling asleep on a chair for three days on a row was not the comfiest. That combined with having to take heat suppressants again felt like it was crippling his back and posture.

He didn't want to take the tablets, which he was hardly to blame for, but he knew he could not spend his approaching heat without his Alpha beside him, especially not since they had bonded. And so as long as John was asleep, Paul would be on those dreadful heat suppressants.

When Julia did awake, she felt groggy too, yawning before fully sitting up.

"I- I fell asleep here?" She asked out loud, cluelessly.

"Yeah." Paul nodded, still drawing circles on John's arm with his finger.

"My back..." She seethed in pain, stretching.

"You get used to it." The younger Omega shrugged, staring directly at John.

"Paul... How long has it been since you left this place...?"

Paul fell completely silent, trying to think. He laughed nervously as he recalled.

"I don't know... Maybe like... Three days?"

"Oh, love..." She placed her own hand on Paul's, caressing his fingers. "Come on, go home, darling... Just for the morning. Get yourself a shower and a fresh pair of clothes, and come back here later on."

"But who-"

"I will stay with John." She reassured him.

"What if he wakes up and he asks for me?"

"If he wakes up then I will call you immediately, Paul."

However he knew what she was going to say... 'Though it's unlikely he will'.

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