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chapter fifty-three.

Matthias was deathly pale as he arrived back in Mystic Falls, leaving Kol behind as he wanted his baby brother to be safe.

"Matthias." Katherine gasped as she and Elijah picked him up from the airport. "What the fuck happened while we were gone?"

Matthias shook his head, "I stayed away for a bit, then this happened." He let out a pained cough, "It's Klaus. They did something to him."

Katherine and Elijah shared a look with one another before nodding their heads. Helping Matthias into the car, they made their way over to Elena's house, where they knew they would find everyone.

Elijah knocked on the door and Elena opened it, her eyes wide when she spotted Katherine holding up a weak looking Matthias.

"Elijah." Stefan said before his eyes landed on the two next to him. "Katherine? What happened to Matthias?"

"Hello, again." Elijah greeted. "If you would be so kind."

Elena let them in and inched towards Matthias, but Katherine glared at her. "Don't you dare come near him."

"What happened?" She asked as Elijah helped his girlfriend hold Matthias upright.

"I'm linked to Klaus." He reminded her. "We're twins and even without the link, we've always been bonded in a way that no one understood."

"Wait so, Matthias is like this because of Klaus?" Stefan questioned.

"Yes and now we have a deal to make." Katherine told them. "You give us Klaus' body and we don't kill Elena."

"Katerina." Elijah laughed before looking at them. "All we need is to take that stake away from him. Once he's been disarmed, the weapon's in my possession, my family will scatter to the ends of the earth. And Alaric will follow us."

They had all moved to the kitchen, Katherine, Matthias, and Elijah standing near the table as Elijah explained the deal to them while Damon had been called for some reason since he had Klaus' body.

"And you'll just... run." Stefan stated and they could tell he didn't believe them.

"We've done it before. Klaus, Matthias, and Rebekah spent the better part of a thousand years evading my father. What's another half century while Elena's able to live out the rest of her natural life?" Elijah offered them.

"We finally stopped him, Elijah. After everything that he's done to us, I can't just let you bring him back." Elena told him and Matthias scoffed.

"I give you my word, Elena. I will not revive Klaus within yours, nor even within your children's lifetimes." He promised her. "Perhaps it'll finally teach him some manners."

"Why should she trust you?" Matt questioned him. "All you've done is screw her over."

Katherine glared at Matt, "No he didn't!" She snapped at him angrily. "He promised to keep Elena alive until the ritual, who was it that stabbed him in the heart with the dagger?" She questioned and they fell silent. "You. You broke the deal on Elijah, so he had every right to retaliate, then you lied to his face when he asked you about Esther, again he had every right to be hold Elena captive."

At Katherine's words, they realized that she was right. They had betrayed Elijah first and never once did he act out without reason, they had prompted every reaction they received from him.

"She could have been dead the minute I walked through the door." Elijah told them honestly. "Instead, I didn't kill you despite what you've done to my brothers. So, Elena, I leave it to you to make the decision whether to trust me or not."

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