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Matthias' outfit is above!

chapter seventeen.

"Five more minutes."

Matthias chuckled as he awoke from his slumber to find Elena wrapped around him, pleading with him to stay as he attempted to move.

"You said that five minutes ago." He pointed out to her, and Elena rolled her eyes with a smile. "Soon it'll be five more minutes after that and then five more and then-"

Elena shushed him by placing her lips against his own, causing Matthias to smile as he rolled over and was now hovering over her with their lips still connected. He pulled away and smiled at her softly, making Elena's heartbeat rapidly as she looked at him.

He was breathtaking.

From his hazel eyes to his freckles face and dirty blonde hair, Matthias Mikaelson was an enigma, and he was hers. Elena couldn't stop the smile that blossomed on her face as she cupped his face gently and openly admired him.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked her softly while moving his face closer to her own to the point where their lips were centimeters apart.

"Like what?" Elena asked breathlessly.

"I don't know." He admitted and Elena could see that it was bothering him, not being able to figure it out. "I'm not the greatest with emotions." He told her.

Elena gave him a small smile and gave him a quick peck before saying, "I'm admiring you."

"I should be admiring you." He told her with a laugh and shake of his head. "You're beautiful."

Elena felt her cheeks flush as Matthias closed the gap between them once more. She melted against him as he took control of the kiss and she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Matthias was finding it harder and harder to resist Elena, she was intoxicating, and she tempted him all the time.

Before anything more could happen between the two, there was a knock on the door making Matthias growl in annoyance. The sound sent shivers down Elena's spine, and she would be lying if she said that it wasn't hot.

"As much as I hate to interrupt, the lawyer is on his way." Damon's voice came from the other side of the door.

"We're coming." Matthias responded before kissing Elena once more and then getting up.

Elena couldn't deny that she was hot and bothered, it didn't help either that Matthias was shirtless as he flexed in front of her while he stretched. She felt her face getting hot once more as she realized the thoughts that we're swirling around in her mind as she looked at him.

"Your face is getting red, love." Matthias smirked and Elena noticed the peek of his accent coming out. "See something you like?"

Elena didn't know where the confidence came from as she stood from the bed and sauntered over to him. "You." She told him while placing a hand on his chest and leaning in close to him.

Matthias could feel his heart racing and he knew that she could feel it as well as they looked at one another. "Keep playing games Elena and I'll take you right her and right now."

Something Elena noticed in his words was that it wasn't a threat, no, it was a promise, and she could feel her knees go weak from his words. With one last kiss, Matthias reluctantly went to use the bathroom and he knew that he would need a cold shower.

⨳ ⨳ ⨳

Matthias knocked on apartment nine, it took a total of two seconds before the door was being opened and he was greeted by Alaric.

"Niklaus." Matthias greeted, knowing full well that it was his brother.

"Matthias, come in." He motioned Matthias to enter, and he did.

"Where's Kat?" Matthias asked him while walking over to the kitchen.

Klaus pouted, "What? No hug or hello?"

Matthias gave him a look and Niklaus realized that Katherine's words of warning from the week prior were true. Matthias was attached and Niklaus could see it clear as day.

"We have everything we need for the full moon." Klaus told him, not wanting to outright ask his brother about Elena. "Katherine informed me about Bonnie, and we'll have to figure something out about that." He told him. "As to where Katerina is, she's right-"

He was cut off by the bathroom door opening and Katherine stepping out. Matthias smiled at her and the two quickly embraced on another prompting Klaus to roll his eyes. They could be so dramatic sometimes.

"Was he traumatizing you?" Matthias joked as he cupped Katherine's face.

She laughed before nodding her head with a pout. "Pour boy was whining and whimpering all night."

Niklaus scoffed but couldn't help but smile at their antics. "You two are insufferable."

"Love you too, brother." Matthias laughed before walking over to Klaus. "So, what's the plan here?"

"Well firsts things first, pop quiz." Klaus stated before walking over to the closet and looking at the clothes that Alaric had. "The dagger and white oak ash are in the Salvatore's possession, correct?"

Matthias and Katherine nodded while Katherine said, "The dagger was used to kill Elijah. You'll find him in the basement of the Salvatore house."

"A bit crisp." Matthias added and Katherine held back a laugh at Klaus' confused face.

"Ok, that dagger needs to stay exactly where it is." He said while putting on the dark top. "The last thing I need to do is resurrect Elijah." He made a face. "Ohh, that guy is a buzzkill."

"Don't forget you're on the outs with your girlfriend Jenna." Matthias added in.

Klaus snapped his fingers in remembrance. "Right. Elena's aunt. For all the lies about Isobel. What else?"

"Well, we know that Bonnie has her powers back, that she's found a way to kill an original, all we need to know is how." Matthias stated with a serious look on his face. "I think we're all meeting later at the Salvatore's place." He told Klaus and his brother nodded. "We'll get to the bottom of it."

Klaus nodded his head, "Well I have no doubt that you'll figure it out brother." Klaus smirked. "Seeing as you're sleeping with the doppelganger."

Matthias felt his eyebrow twitch and his jaw clench at this brothers words. "Oh, come now brother." Klaus laughed. "I can't say I'm surprised, we're drawn to the light Matthias but sometimes we have to get burned to remember where we belong."

With that Klaus patted Matthias' shoulder and left the apartment to play the role that he's given himself. Katherine placed a hand on Matthias' arm and knew that he was bothered by this all happening.

"This is why we don't get attached." Katherine told him. "My ex-boyfriend is daggered right now, and your current girlfriend is about to be drained by you and your twin brother." Matthias rolled his eyes. "Just remember, you can always shut it off."

Matthias simply kissed the side of Katherine's head before leaving as well. He knew that Katherine was right, that it was his own fault for getting attached but it was too late to turn back now.

But to turn it off?

That's the worst thing that Matthias could ever do, and he knew that the moment he did it, he wouldn't turn it back on for at least another decade. The last time he turned off his humanity, he had disappeared from Klaus' side for a decade before returning with blood covered hands. He knew what he had done, he could remember the screams and pleas for him to stop, but he didn't care... all he wanted was to kill and so he did.

So, turning it off? No, that couldn't be an option.

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