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Matthias' outfit is above!
filler chapter!

chapter thirty-nine.

Matthias had explained to Klaus that he had moved Kol's coffin and that it was safe. Klaus was furious to know that Matthias only saved one of their siblings but understood that he cared more for Kol than anyone in their family.

Klaus knew that Matthias had a plan, so he promised not to act up and instead focus on getting the house ready for their siblings. This left Matthias to do as he pleased, much to Klaus' annoyance.

Matthias was on his way to the bar when his phone suddenly went off, he frowned when it was Elena calling him. "Elena."

"Matthias, you actually answered." She breathed out in shock.

"I have no reason to ignore you, though you did plot to kill me and my brother." He reminded her with a head tilt.

Elena nodded, "True but in my defense, you both want to drain me of my blood."

"Correction, Klaus wants to drain you." Matthias told her firmly. "I stupidly love you too much for him to hurt you, so he won't."

"You love me still?" Elena's eyes widened. "I don't believe that."

Matthias chuckled, "What do you want me to prove it to you?" He asked her with a scoff. "Elena, I'm not turning my humanity back on for you."

Elena looked at Klaus, the vampire waved his hand at her, and she rolled her eyes. "Come to my house, it's time we talk." Not giving him time to decline, she hung up the phone and glared at Klaus. "Why are you making me do this?"

Klaus gave her an annoyed looked from the porch, "Because you hurt him Elena and as much as I would love to somehow help him, I'm busy so you fix him, I'll leave Jeremy alone."

Elena hated Klaus so much more as he was threatening Jeremy. "Just promise me that you'll leave him alone."

"I promise." Klaus told her. "Now, fix my brother."

With that Klaus left and Elena shut her door with a sigh. She ran a hand through her hair and leaned against the door while her heart was beating against her ribcage like a drum. It's been two days since the dance, she was afraid of Klaus showing up and now that he has, she was sure that he would but instead he wanted her to make Matthias turn it back on.

She didn't even know how she was supposed to do that. How did he expect her to make Matthias turn it back on when he didn't want to be around her? A sudden knock on her door made her jump, she went to the door only to see that it wasn't Matthias but a girl.

"Can I help you?" Elena asked her nervously.

"Yes, Matthias wants me to give you a message." She told Elena and Elena frowned. "He has a prior engagement so he sent me to let you know that he will not be joining you this evening."

Elena watched the woman walk away and couldn't deny the bubbling disappointment she felt from the message. Instead, she pulled out her phone and texted Klaus that Matthias wasn't coming before going upstairs to continue her schoolwork that she was behind on.

⨳ ⨳ ⨳

Matthias drove to the address on his phone and once he was outside, he honked, and the door opened to revel none other than Bonnie Bennett.

Matthias had to admit that she had become a somewhat friend, and Bonnie could say the same. When they talked, there was an unspoken rule about bringing up certain things. So, Matthias was just Matthias when they were together, there was no mentions of Klaus or Elena and Bonnie was just Bonnie, not a witch that everyone was always looking for.

"You're late." Bonnie joked as she got into the car.

Matthias rolled his eyes at her, "By two minutes."

"Still late." She pointed out with a shrug. "What happened?"

"Elena called." He told her simply and Bonnie's eyes widened. "I didn't go."

Bonnie frowned. "Isn't that what you wanted?" She asked him. "For Elena to call you and explain her side?"

"From what I compelled out of Caroline Forbes at the dance." Matthias started and Bonnie glared at him, "What? You left me and I was bored." She rolled her eyes and he continued. "Elena has feelings for Damon, they've gotten close and there's something there. I refuse to be played with because she can't decide what she wants."

"You mean who she wants." Bonnie corrected him. "You're scared." She pointed out and Matthias remained silent. "You're scared that she won't choose you and so you're keeping it turned off."

Matthias hated that Bonnie was right, he didn't want her to be right, but she was. "She made her choice."

"No, you assume that she did." Bonnie corrected him. "She was trying to bring Stefan home because she owed him everything, Damon owed him his life, and while she was looking for Stefan, she was looking for you too behind everyone's back!"

"And yet you know." Matthias gave her a pointed look.

"Because I found her research!" Bonnie stressed. "Matthias, you have the girl so go get her!" She urged him but he only kept driving. "Matthias!"

"We have plans." He reminded her. "I'll talk to her later."

Bonnie sighed and shook her head at him. "You're insufferable."

"But you enjoy my company." He chuckled and Bonnie didn't agree nor deny it.

Matthias drove to their destination, today they were going to the next town over to the art museum. Matthias had his own reasons for going there but Bonnie didn't need to know that.

After an hour car ride over, Bonnie didn't mention how being around art reminded her of Jeremy. Instead, she let Matthias distract her as they looked at everything. Bonnie couldn't help but be thankful that Matthias let her be normal around him and Matthias wouldn't say it, but Bonnie was a great distraction as well.

Bonnie excused herself to go to the bathroom and Matthias looked for who he was looking for. Matthias had his own dirt against Stefan, dirt that Stefan wanted to keep away from Damon's ears. Matthias spotted a girl with her parents, she looked to be in her teens as they admired the art filled room.

Matthias and she made eye contact and Matthias gave her a nod before sneakily snapping a photo of her and walking off before he was caught. He spotted Bonnie looking for him and walked over to her, with a smile on his face.

When they reunited, Bonnie had no clue that Matthias only came here knowing that the girl adored art so much to not go whenever she got the chance. All that mattered was that Matthias had the upper hand against Stefan.

"Should we get lunch?" Matthias asked her and Bonnie nodded.

With that, they left the museum and Matthias was going to have so much fun getting his way.

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