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chapter fifty-two.

Matthias caught a flight that exact night, both Jeremy and Kol picked him up from the airport and let's just say, Kol was overly happy to be with his brother again.

"Alright, so, what happened?" Jeremy asked that following morning as they went to get coffee again.

Matthias sighed, "Finn is dead."

Kol paused in his steps, his heart sinking as he looked at Matthias and waited for him to say that he was joking. Only, the words never came and Kol bit his lip to keep from crying while Jeremy looked confused.

"Finn was our older brother." Matthias told him. "My mother cast a spell that basically made him loyal to her and I removed it from him when Klaus found him. Apparently, your sister and her friends killed him in hopes of killing Klaus and I, but I did something."

"You didn't kill them, did you?" Jeremy asked nervously.

Matthias laughed softly and shook his head. "As much as I would've loved to kill Stefan, I can't but I did link our sirelines."

Kol's eyes widened, and he looked at his brother shocked while Jeremy was confused again. "That requires a lot of magical energy, how did you not die?"

"One, I'm immortal." Matthias reminded his brother. "And two, I was channeling Bonnie."

Jeremy reacted to the sound of Bonnie's name and Kol noticed this. "Oh, does Jer here have a thing for the Bennett witch?"

"They dated." Matthias laughed as Jeremy cringed.

"Yeah, I fucked up." Jeremy admitted and Kol nodded his head, not pushing for answers.

The trio walked inside and ordered their coffee before heading over to the batting cages where Kol wanted to play again, much to Jeremy's distain as Kol couldn't help but cheat.

"Look, you have to promise not to cheat." Jeremy said as he put on his helmet.

Kol laughed as he held up his hands. "I give you my word."

Jeremy rolled his eyes and Matthias watched the two play before Kol had to pee which made Jeremy laugh as Matthias went with his brother. Jeremy continued to hit balls when suddenly someone called out to him.

"Hey, Jer!"

Jeremy turned around to see Elena, she had a smile on her face as she looked at him and he was thrilled to see her. Only, the happiness faded when he spotted Damon behind her, and he knew that she wasn't really there to see him.

It was like Matthias had told him, they were going to come asking him for help and apart of him didn't want to believe it but how could he not when Elena's right in front of him with Damon on her arm?

"What's wrong?" He asked her with a sigh.

Damon went on to explain what Matthias had already told him, but Jeremy didn't mention that to them.

"Katherine sired us, Rose sired Katherine, all we need to do is find out who sired Rose." Damon finished explaining.

"So, you traveled across the country to get me to talk to a dead vampire?" Jeremy asked him in disbelief as he put his bat away.

"Dead vampire's redundant, but yes." Damon said.

"Well, I can't." Jeremy told them. "I can talk to Anna and Vickie because I knew them." He explained as he put his helmet in its slot. "I've never even met Rose."

"What good is you dying and coming back to life if you can't talk to a ghost when I need you to?"

"Rose spent a long time running from Klaus as well. She and Damon were close, so maybe we can use you as a connection." Elena offered when Jeremy ignored Damon's questioned.

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