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chapter fifty-one.

"What did you do?" Matthias groaned as he sat upright, much to his surprise, Bonnie was sitting next to him. "I can't read your spells so tell me, what did you do?"

Matthias shook his head, "I can't tell you."

"What?" Bonnie questioned. "Why not?"

"Because at the end of the day, you're still their friends." Matthias told her and Bonnie's was hit with realization. "I have to stop pretending that we're going to get along one day. That one day you all will stop trying to take my family from me." He told her while standing up and Bonnie remained silent. "I adore you, Bonnie Bennett and our friendship but at the end of the day, you will still hate my family and I must protect my family."

"And what about Elena?" Bonnie shot at him. "Wouldn't you betray Klaus for her?"

"No." Matthias told her honestly, making her eyes widen. "Because Klaus respects that I love her, that I want to be with her, but she made her choice Bonnie. She makes it time and time again and I've been so blind to see it."

"Matthias, you know that she loves you." Bonnie sighed.

Matthias shook his head, "If she has to choose between all three of us, I'd rather not be an option at all."

With that Matthias left the room, leaving Bonnie with no other choice but to call Elena and tell her what happened before leaving herself. She needed to leave, she had to get out of there, it was suffocating, and it honestly felt as if Matthias was breaking up with her when they weren't even together.

So why did it still hurt so much?

⨳ ⨳ ⨳

"Klaus! Matthias! I'm here! Let's do this."

Matthias, Rebekah, and Klaus all shared a look before walking into the room where Rebekah was holding Damon captive. Matthias had to admit that he was unimpressed with Rebekah's strategy, but he kept quiet on it.

"Oh good, a hero." Klaus said as they walked in and stopped in front of him. "What do you want?"

Stefan threw down a bag in front of Klaus and Matthias. "I'm here to make a deal."

"Stefan, what are you doing?" Damon groggily questioned.

"Eight stakes, made of white oak. The part of Wickery Bridge that you forgot to burn." He told them.

Klaus turned to glare at Rebekah, making her jump to defend herself. "That's impossible."

"Actually, it's not." Stefan denied. "Finn's dead."

Matthias felt like the wind had been knocked out of him, Klaus felt the pain that radiated from Matthias and onto him, the two having a bond that sometimes allowed the other to feel when something was wrong. Klaus was familiar with this pain that Matthias was feeling, it was when Elena had died and even though Klaus was shifting, it was a suffocating feeling that weighed on his shoulders like a ton.

"You killed my brother?" Rebekah questioned, her voice shaking.

"So that's why you're here." Matthias spoke up making them look to him. "You realized that Sage and her little friend Troy, died right after Finn and you're scared." He chuckled and Stefan felt a rush of fear go down his spine. "You realized that his bloodline died when he did. Do you want to know why?"

"It's a vampire thing." Stefan guessed while inching towards Damon slowly.

Matthias shook his spell, "No, you see. I hijacked the delinking spell and while my siblings are no longer linked, I linked something else." Stefan's eyes widened as he was connecting the dots. "You are all so tempted to try and kill my family, so I upped the stakes."

Stefan was pissed, he was internally seething as he had truly believed that they were one step ahead of them all. "Look, Damon in exchange for the last eight weapons that could kill you."

"Or, how about this?" Matthias said before he ran at Stefan and broke his spine. Stefan collapsed onto the floor with a cry of pain leaving his lips in the process. "How many stakes are there?"

Rebekah and Klaus watched in awe as Stefan's eyes fogged over as he answered. "11."

"11!" Matthias praised as he kicked Stefan into a wall, making his siblings jump while Stefan cried out in pain. "Lies, lies, and more lies! Maybe, I should kill your brother as revenge or better yet, make him bite out his own tongue."

Stefan was glad that the blow to the wall snapped his spine into place, though it still hurt like a bitch. "What is wrong with you?"

"Him?" Niklaus spoke up, "What is wrong with you?! Do you really have no appreciation for me? I have given you someone to hate; To loathe, a target for all of your anger so you don't have to turn it on yourself. I have given your life a purpose as your friend." Klaus laughed, "I really think you should be thanking me."

Suddenly Stefan ran at Klaus but before he could even reach Klaus, he was crying out in pain while holding his head. Matthias was itching to bury Stefan six feet under but since Klaus and Elena liked him, he wouldn't. Doesn't mean he wouldn't hurt him instead.

Klaus picked up the stake from the floor, "There, now you only have to get us the other two." Klaus told Stefan as Matthias released him.

"This is ridiculous." Rebekah muttered as she walked over to Damon and started releasing him.

"What are you doing?" Klaus asked her while Stefan climbed to his feet.

She finished releasing Damon, before turning around again. "I brought him here. I get to release him. My rules now. Bring us the stakes and you both live." Rebekah told him. "Take your brother as a sign of good faith." Rebekah then grabbed the bag before leaving the room.

Klaus and Matthias shared a look before Matthias shook his head, "The only reason that you two still breathe, is because Elena cares about you and my brother has a soft spot for you Stefan." Matthias spoke up making Stefan tense up. "So, get us the stakes or I'll kill you and everyone you love because you've taken something precious from me and I'll return the favor tenfold."

With that Matthias walked out of the room, his eyes filled with unshed tears as he went to his room. Klaus looked between the two options he faced, he could either follow Rebekah or he could go check on his twin. As much as he loved Rebekah, she's annoyed him with releasing the two Salvatore's, so he opted for his twin.

Going to Matthias' room, Klaus didn't even knock as he opened the door and found Matthias sitting at the edge of his bed, staring blankly at the wall. Klaus felt his chest ache at the sight of Matthias crying, while it was silent, it was still painful.

"I'm sorry." Klaus apologized.

Matthias shook his head, "I know you never liked Finn much, but he was still our brother." Matthias told him softly, a choked sob leaving his lips. "We made plans together, I was going to introduce him to things and now... now I can't."

Klaus wrapped an arm around Matthias' shoulder and pulled him close. "We'll avenge him. I promise you."

Matthias didn't respond, a part of him wanted to believe Klaus but the other knew that it wouldn't happen. For some reason, Matthias wasn't allowed to kill those who hurt them, those that opposed them in this town, all because of one girl and because his brother foolishly liked one and favored a Salvatore.

This town was fucked, and Matthias wanted to leave.

so the talk with Rebekah didn't happen and somethings were different this chapter. as you can tell, Matthias is slowly inching away from everyone that is just for the plot of the book as we are nearing the final part and end of the book.

but I am so ready for what I have planned!

- M A R I E

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