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Matthias' outfit is above!

chapter fifteen.

"Isobel is here?" Matthias questioned Katherine as she had come to see him after Stefan left that morning.

Katherine nodded her head, "Yes."

"Then Klaus is here." Matthias sighed and ran a hand down his face. "He's probably going to be calling for one of us soon."

"It'll most likely be me." Katherine told him with a roll of her eyes. "They all believe that I'm afraid of Klaus, that I'm running from him still, but I'm not."

Matthias nodded his head, he had to remember that this wasn't real. He knew that Klaus would be wanting a fill in and Katherine was the best one to give him the answers to what he needed to know and if Katherine didn't know then Matthias knew to expect a call.

"How is this going to play out Matty?" Katherine asked him while crossing her arms over her chest.

"There are one of two ways." Matthias admitted to her. "Klaus will either play games until he's ready to show himself, or he'll just strike."

Katherine hummed, "And knowing Klaus, he'll play games."

Matthias nodded again, "Yes but this was all just part of the plan."

"Falling for Elena Gilbert was a part of the plan?" Katherine asked him with a raised eyebrow. "Come on Matty, just admit it."

Matthias couldn't admit something that he didn't know. If he admitted it then it would still be a maybe to him. He doesn't know what love is or how to tell.

"Fine." Matthias told her. "I'm in love with Elena, but that doesn't change what has to be done."

Katherine was stunned as she watched Matthias leave the apartment to go and meet Elena as promised. She started to bite on her nail when her phone began to ring, with a sigh she looked and sighed once more when she realized that it was Klaus.

"Klaus, to what do I owe the pleasure." She answered while sitting on the couch.

"Katerina, we need to chat."

⨳ ⨳ ⨳

Matthias sat next to Elena on the window seat in her bedroom, their hands intertwined as Stefan stood by the door explaining everything to them both.

Apparently Matt was on the run over Caroline being a vampire and in hopes of her mother not finding out, she had to find him fast before he started talking and then they would really be in trouble.

"This is bad." Elena stated while leaning her head against Matthias' shoulder. "Between Isobel and Jenna and now Matt, this is disaster bad."

"Yeah." Stefan agreed with a sigh of his own.

"With Jenna, I think that she'll come around." Matthias told Elena. "It's natural that she ran off, her feelings are warranted seeing how long she was kept in the dark for."

Elena nodded her head, knowing that Matthias was right. "I just wanted to protect her."

"What was it that your aunt said?" Matthias asked her. "If you truly cared about them, even though you want to protect them, they deserve the truth."

Elena knew that he was referencing to girls night gone wrong, where Caroline and Jenna had a moment of words with one another. Again, Matthias was right, and it only made Elena sigh while Matthias placed a kiss to the side of her head causing her to smile. Stefan averted her eyes from the two, his chest aching at the sight of Elena with someone else.

Someone that wasn't him.

The three heard footsteps approaching and looked up to see John. "Elena, can you come downstairs, please? I need to talk to you."

Elena scoffed and shook her head, "I have nothing to say to you."

"Please, it's important." His eyes then landed on Stefan, "You, too, Stefan." He looked to Matthias, but they had never been introduced. "And bring your friend."

Matthias had already told Elena and the others that he didn't want Isobel or John knowing who he was. He didn't trust them and with who he was, the last thing he needed was Isobel talking to the people she knew about how she knew what Matthias looked like. People would pay good money to see his face and he wasn't about to let a groupie vampire blow the whistle on his identity.

Sharing a look, they all headed downstairs. Elena froze once she reached the bottom and saw who was standing in the kitchen doorway. She leaned back into Matthias, who placed his hands on her waist while glaring at the vampire in front of them with Stefan beside him.

"I asked John for a do-over." She told them.

Elena looked at John in disbelief. "You invited her in?"

"She has information about Klaus. Please, just listen to her, ok?" John pleaded.

Elena looked at Matthias and he could see the anger swirling in her eyes as she breathed deeply. "Do you want me to kill her?" He joked and Elena couldn't help but crack a smile as she shook her head.

"All right." Stefan spoke up. "What do you know?"

They all moved into the kitchen to talk, Isobel was sitting on a chair, John on the edge of the table, Stefan leaning against the doorway, and Matthias had wrapped his arms around Elena near the counter to keep her from pacing.

"Since I was last here, I've been doing everything possible to find Klaus." Isobel told her but Elena didn't looked to believe her. "We knew our best chance was to find him before he could find you.

"Best chance at what?" Stefan asked her.

"Keeping Elena alive." John spoke up.

"You don't get to talk, ok, not after everything you've done." Elena snapped at John.

"Were you able to find him?" Matthias asked. "Klaus."

"No." Isobel said. "Nobody knows where he is but there are these rumors that are flying around that a doppelganger exists."

Matthias bit his tongue, a part of him wanted to spill what he knew but he knew that there was no point. He wouldn't be able to stop what was to come, when Klaus wanted something, he always got it.

"Which means any vampire that wants to get in favor with Klaus will be lining up to capture you." John told her seriously.

Elena had broken away from Matthias' hold, not that he minded. She shared a look with him and Stefan before speaking. "I'm not buying any of this." She told him before looking at Isobel. "The last time that you were here, you made it clear that you didn't give a damn about me. Now all of a sudden I'm supposed to believe that you want to help?" She laughed.

"Isobel's been helping all along." John defended her and Elena gave him a look. "Klaus has been obsessed with finding Katherine for centuries." Matthias held back a laugh. "All it would take was any one of those 1864 tomb vampires to spread the word around that Katherine was still alive and it would bring him straight here to Mystic Falls, where you were bound to be discovered, so we killed them."

"And almost killed Stefan and Damon in the process." Elena snapped at him while pointing at Stefan.

Isobel then stood up, "I have a safe house that I can take you to." Elena made a face. "The deed is in your name. No vampires can get in without your permission, not even me. Let me help you."

Elena seemed to think about it before saying, "You wanna help?" Isobel didn't tear her gaze away from Elena as the girl took a step closer to her. "Then get the hell out of my house."

With that, Elena took Matthias' hand and they left with Stefan following behind them.

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