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chapter forty.

Matthias spent his morning attempting to drink his life away with Damon Salvatore of all people. Damon needed a drinking buddy seeing as Alaric was always busy and attempting to cut back seeing as he was almost always hungover since the death of Jenna.

The drinking only lasted for so long before Matthias left Damon to go and meet Elena, who was refusing to take no for an answer.

Matthias arrived at her house and knocked on the door, he couldn't hear any other heartbeats other than her own racing one which meant that they were alone in the house. Matthias waited patiently for her to open the door and when she did, he hated the affect that she had on him.

His heart painfully clenched for a moment before a wave of numbness hit him and he gave her a bored smile. "So, what's so important that you called me here?" He asked her while walking inside and sitting in the living room.

"We have to talk." She told him while closing the door and going to lean against the entrance. "I want to explain my side."

"What's there to explain?" He asked her with a shrug. "You love Stefan, you have feelings for Damon, and I was just a rebound." He listed off and Elena's eyes widened. "I'll get over it, move on, maybe not in your lifetime, but I'll live."

"You know about Damon and me?" Elena asked him and her heart sunk, this just made everything harder.

Matthias smirked, "So you admit that you feel something for him?"

Elena gulped when Matthias stood up and approached her, he got dangerously close to her and placed a hand on her waist. Elena's heart was racing as Matthias pulled her to him and he leaned in dangerously close to her face.

"Tell me, does he get your heart racing like this?" Matthias asked her and Elena couldn't speak.

Her body felt as if it was on fire, something that not even Damon's touch provided her nor did Stefan's. Elena will always stand by her statement that with Matthias it's different, there was something about his touch that made her mind go blank, about how being near him just made everything feel better, and that hasn't changed.

"No." Elena finally breathed out and she noticed the flicker in Matthias' eyes. "Because I'm in love with you and not him." She told him honestly and Matthias shut his eyes at her words. "Matthias, you were gone, and I know that I had every chance to tell you that I was alive, but I made a promise to Jeremy that I wouldn't leave him without a family. Klaus wanted me dead, I couldn't risk it." She told him softly. "I looked for Stefan because I owed him, Damon owed him, but the Stefan we knew is gone now and my feelings for you remain."

"Stop." Matthias shook his head and attempted to move away.

Elena quickly cupped his face and his eyes snapped open. "No, I'm not going to stop Matthias. I love you and I need you to come back to me." She pleaded.

Come back to me.

The four words made Matthias' head spin as he was internally fighting with himself on what to do. He had every right to be mad with Elena, to feel what he felt about the situation, but he wanted her. God, his entire burned for her and she couldn't possibly understand nor fathom the feeling that he felt around her.

But he didn't want to feel anymore, he didn't want to feel the guilt and constant worry that came from loving Elena Gilbert.

When Matthias still appeared to be struggling, Elena closed the gap between them and connected their lips. Matthias' eyes widened and just like that, all his emotions came rushing in like a tidal wave as he pulled her closer to him and kissed her back with just as much need and want.

Pulling away, Elena looked up to meet Matthias' gaze and she hated the pain that was in held in his eyes. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him in for a hug, one that he returned just as tightly which she had to admit she missed.

"I love you Matthias." Elena told him honestly.

"And I love you Elena." He replied softly.

⨳ ⨳ ⨳

Matthias and Elena spent the rest of their time together tangled in the sheets. A soft giggle left Elena's lips when Matthias kissed her bare shoulder. She rolled over to face him and cupped his face gently, a look of adoration in her eyes as she looked at him.

"I'm sorry." She apologized. "I'm sorry for hurting you."

Matthias kissed the palm of her hand and shook his head. "Elena, if anyone understands promises, it's me. You're all that Jeremy has left and I'm all that Klaus has right now since Stefan's taken our family."

"That's what Stefan took?" Elena asked him with a frown.

"He wants revenge, but he forgets who he's messing with." Matthias told her with a scoff. "There's also the fact that he's still under my compulsion."

Elena's eyes widened, "He's still compelled?"

Matthias laughed and nodded his head, "It's why he's avoiding me."

Elena sighed and laid her head on his chest. "I assume that Klaus is livid."

"Yes." Matthias hummed while holding her close. "But, I have an ace up my sleeve and hopefully that'll end things before Klaus tries anything drastic."

"Drastic like what?" Elena asked him. "I mean he's pretty hell bent on hurting the people I care about when no one listens to him."

Matthias sighed and kissed her forehead. "He isn't always like that, but it's the side he shows you because to Klaus, you're a means to an end."

"And to you?" She dared to ask, and Matthias could hear her racing heart.

Matthias hummed and rolled over, so he was now hovering over her, "To me, you are the love of my life." He told her honestly and Elena's cheeks heated up. "I adore you Elena Gilbert and I will do my best to rein in Klaus but don't expect it all the time, he's still his own person and has his own thoughts."

Elena nodded her head, she knew that Matthias could only do so much when it came to Klaus but whatever he could so, she was thankful for.

as the show progresses, for the plan that I have, Elena and Matthias need to be together.
plus I love writing them together lol

a lot of Elena's opinions on Klaus will vary because she knows that she can't be a hypocrite to anyone seeing as who she's dating, you know? so things are definately going to be different but i like it so let's go!

- M A R I E

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