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I skipped the Elena life talk because I didn't know how to write that in with Matthias there lol.

chapter forty-four.

Matthias had excused himself from the dinner party early, he was getting a headache from playing nice and went up to his room. Once he was in his room, he noticed the dead body in his bed and tsked, he would have to clean that later.

He sat on the edge of his bed and let his head fall into his hands, he was annoyed with himself. He hated that he let Elena fuck with him like that, that she had this control over him when it's obvious that she's still unsure of who she wants.

Matthias wanted it to be him.

Matthias wanted to be selfish and tell her that she couldn't see the two brothers anymore, but he also didn't want to be controlling like that. Elena was her own person, he knew that, but it didn't lessen the pain he felt with knowing that Damon was now in her heart more than before.

"Matthias, can you come down here please!" Elijah called out to his brother and Matthias sighed.

Strolling out of his room, Matthias paused at the steps when his eyes landed on his siblings. Now, Matthias didn't have anything to do with daggering his siblings, that was all Klaus but that didn't mean that he didn't feel guilty for what Klaus had done.

"Matty, how good to see you!" Kol cheered and Matthias didn't hesitate to hug his little brother. Kol chuckled and hugged Matthias just as tightly. "I've missed you too brother."

Matthias' eyes then landed on Finn, and he smiled even wider, Finn chuckled before opening his arms for Matthias. Matthias hugged his older brother almost as tightly as he had with Kol and for the first time in a long time, Matthias felt whole.

"Elijah... why haven't you left?" Klaus' voice interrupted their moment.

"Well, where are your manners, brother?" Elijah asked him. "You forgot dessert."

Elijah then uncovered the tray that the compelled help was holding to reveal the array of daggers. Klaus felt his heart sink and his stomach twist at this, but he kept his face bare of all the betrayal that he was feeling right now.

"What have you done?" He demanded.

"What have you done?" Elijah asked him back. "You see I've learned not to trust your vulgar promises, Klaus. We're doing this on my terms now."

Kol winked at Matthias before walking away and entering the room.

"Kol." Klaus said.

"Long time, brother." Kol greeted while approaching Klaus.

Klaus was about to run away when Finn rushed into the room, dagger in hand. "Finn, don't." Klaus pleaded but Finn only stabbed him in the hand with the dagger making Klaus cry out in pain. He pushes Finn away and then runs the other way only to be cut off, "Rebekah."

Rebekah gave him a fake smile before stabbing him in the chest with the dagger. "This is for our mother."

Matthias then walked over and held Klaus up and away from his siblings. "Wrong sibling." Matthias snapped at her. "I killed mother." He told her and Rebekah was shocked. "You all just assumed it was Klaus but there are two hybrids." He reminded her while flashing his golden eyes at her.

"You're free to go." Elijah said, not even looking at the two Salvatore brothers. "This is family business." He said as the two walked out.

"I like what you've done with the new place, Nik." Rebekah complimented while picking up a vase and throwing it at a painting.

"I wanted it to be for all of us." Klaus explained sadly. "A place we could all call home; a place we could all be a family. None of us would ever have to be alone again."

"Oh, you're right, none of us will be." Elijah explained while walking away.

"You're staying behind." Finn explained to him while walking away as well.

"We're leaving you, Nik." Rebekah told him. "Right after I kill that doppelgänger wench, and you will be alone. Always and forever."

"Yeah, I'm going to dagger you again if you so much as touch my girlfriend." Matthias spoke up and Rebekah's eyes widened. Klaus looked about ready to explode with anger and Matthias quickly placed a hand on his shoulder, stopping him from saying something he would regret. "You'll still have me."

Klaus was content with that, Matthias was his twin and if Matthias left him then he wouldn't know what to do.

Kol sighed in annoyance and playfully glared at Matthias, "Which means that I'm staying as well because Matthias is my favorite out of you lot."

Matthias rolled his eyes at him before looking at Elijah, "We're hybrids Elijah, well Klaus a hybrid and me a tribrid, we have nothing to fear from any of you."

Elijah smirked at Matthias, "You will when we have that coffin."

Matthias was about to snap at Elijah when suddenly the door burst open, and Matthias felt a change in the atmosphere. Klaus let out a gasp at the sight of Esther Mikaelson standing there and Matthias instinctively stepped in front of Klaus.

"Mother?" Rebekah questioned.

Esther looked at everyone, but her eyes landed on the twins, and she started walking forward. No one missed how Klaus hid behind Matthias just slightly with his head down.

"Look at me." Esther demanded from Klaus while Matthias glared at her. "Do you know why I'm here?" She asked them both.

Klaus was afraid, he was sure that nothing could kill him but with his mother standing in front of him and his brother, he was sure that she had a way. "You're here to kill me." Klaus gasped out with tears falling down his face.

"No." Matthias growled, his eyes glowing. "I'd kill you before you even touched a hair on his head." Matthias promised.

"Niklaus, you are my son." She said before looking to Matthias, "As are you Matthias, and I am here to forgive you." She then looked to the rest of their family. "I want us to be a family again."

"Bullshit." Matthias snapped and everyone looked at him shocked. "You are just as bad as Mikael, only you want us to believe that you love us. At least Mikael was honest about his hatred towards Klaus and I, but you are still so delusional to believe that it was because you loved us so much that you made us into this."

"Matthias-" Esther tried but Matthias wasn't having it.

"No." He shook his head. "You will stay away from me." He told her before grabbing Klaus by the hand and pulling him away. "Or else I'll kill you again." He promised before walking away completely with Klaus in toe.

Matthias wasn't a fool, he could feel the magic that surrounded Esther and he knew that she was playing them. Esther Mikaelson sought to right her mistakes but would be damned if he allowed her to hurt his siblings, no matter how angry he could be with them, he would sooner trade his life for theirs.

and protective Matthias has entered the chat.

next episode we have some Elena and Matthias moments happening which I am ready for, as well as the ball which will hold a surprise! (iykyk)

so let's go!

- M A R I E

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