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Matthias' outfit for Homecoming is above!

chapter thirty-eight.

Matthias looked at himself in the mirror, he had never enjoyed dressing nicely, he didn't see a point in it. He didn't know how Elijah could do it either, he would hand it to his brother on that one but that was it.

Matthias and Klaus exited the Lockwood Mansion dressed in suits for the occasion. Klaus had told Matthias to wear a tie, but Matthias refused and instead had several of his buttons undone as both him and Klaus climbed the stage earning applause from the crowd.

"Good evening everyone!" Klaus greeted. "I want to thank you all for being here with me to celebrate. It's been a long time coming." Klaus said while making eye contact with Stefan in the crowd.

Klaus left to go and talk to Stefan, leaving Matthias to his own devices. Matthias made his way through the crowd, his eyes landed on Elena who was walking down the steps, a drink in her hand but Matthias knew instantly that it wasn't Elena. He knew Katherine better than anyone, she was pretending to be Elena and he didn't understand why.

Deciding that he didn't want to talk to her, his eyes instead landed on Bonnie Bennett. She was standing around, her eyes dancing across the crowd before they met Matthias'. Matthias nodded at her and proceeded to continue his way back inside the house, Bonnie noticed this and began to panic, he wasn't supposed to stray away from Klaus.

"Matthias." Bonnie breathed as she caught up with him. "I wanted to thank you."

Matthias raised an eyebrow at her. "Thank me?"

"For listening to me." She told him with a nervous smile. "Can I make it up to you with a dance?"

She was distracting him, he knew this but seeing as he and his brother were two steps ahead, he didn't care. Taking her hand into his own, Bonnie let out a gasp when he spun her around towards the hoard of people dancing. Matthias and Bonnie danced with one another, and Bonnie found that he was actually a good dancer.

"You're a good dancer." She complimented him.

Matthias chuckled, "Darling, I've been alive for centuries, I'd be a crime if I wasn't."

Bonnie almost laughed, if she hadn't seen Elena staring at them from afar. Bonnie didn't know that it was Katherine, so she feared that the look of curiosity in Katherine's eye was jealousy in Elena's.

"Elena's looking." Bonnie excused herself. "I need a drink."

With that Bonnie left Matthias alone and he sighed to himself before walking off as well. He heard arguing from listening in but decided that things were simply going as planned tonight. One way or another, tonight would go exactly as he had planned.

⨳ ⨳ ⨳

"Come with me." Matthias removed his lips from the random girl's neck to look at his brother, there was a bored look in his eyes as he did so. "Come, Mikael has come."

Sighing, Matthias compelled the girl before following Klaus to the front door of the house where they spotted Mikael waiting for them.

"Hello, Niklaus." He greeted before looking at Matthias. "Matthias."

"Mikael." Matthias greeted.

"Won't you come in?" Klaus taunted. "Oh, that's right. I forgot. You can't."

"Or you can come outside if you want." Mikael offered.

"Or I can watch our hybrids tear you limb from limb." Klaus told him and their hybrids appeared behind Mikael.

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