I move away from the table and start to do a walk through of the aquarium. Even though a small part of me agrees with my inner nagging voice, I know in my heart that that would have been a bad idea. It wouldn't be safe for him. God forbid something happens tonight and Jesse got hurt. I'd never forgive myself.

The fact that the bracelet is still being jailbroken by Derek's person is proof enough that this place holds some dark secrets. It's been over a week and we still have yet to hear back from that pretty woman. Apparently the system is extremely complex. Just my luck.

Zayn hasn't mentioned anything to me about the bracelet, but then again I also haven't seen him all week. Same with Harry. They've both been absent.

I have no idea where they've been and I chose not to ask around either. It obviously was none of my business and I didn't need anyone on my tail, thinking I'm suspicious or possibly hiding something when I already have to watch every move I make.

I'd never admit it out loud, but I kind of missed them both. I missed Zayn's flowers and his charming smile but I shamefully missed Harry's mouth more. His second mark on me has long since faded but I wish it was still visible, I'd show it off tonight if it were, just to see his face.

Jesse noticed the mark on my neck, I'd be worried if he didn't. He got pissed when I wouldn't tell him who gave it to me, that it was "just some one night stand" from the night before. He could tell I was lying, he knows when I do, but he didn't push it. Instead, he gave me a matching mark on the other side of my neck. Bastard. 

It's no lie that I spend way too many nights thinking about Harry and the way his mouth felt on my skin. No matter how hard I try to stop my thoughts from going to him, they somehow always do. I don't think I try hard enough to not think about him, but we can't all be perfect.

There was definitely a small part of me that wanted to dress up tonight and see what kind of reaction it would get from Harry, if he's even here. I wonder if he'll just ignore me like he does at work, or if we'll have a possible repeat of the time that keeps me restless when I try to fall asleep at night.

I selfishly hope it's the latter.

I arrived here at the event a while ago, just taking in the way it looks at this time of the night. It's so different from day time, when usually there's tons of people going in and out with their families. That's not to say that there aren't a lot of people here right now, but they're all adults instead of the usual laughter of kids filling up the space. Everyone looks stunning, and features look sharper under the spotted lighting of the aquarium.

My feet come to a sudden halt as I take in the jellyfish tank. It's the most vibrant of all the exhibits and never fails to grab my attention. I absolutely love it during the day when I'm here for my shifts but I love how it looks even more right now.

It's crazy how much they've changed the whole look of Shark Bait for the event tonight. There's countless photo ops they've created as you walk through, and even more interactive stations than they have on the regular. I'm still curious as to what the whole reasoning behind it is. It's taking away from me being able to enjoy everything around me because why are we all here?

What is the purpose?

There has to be a bigger purpose that I'm not seeing. Harry hosting an event and inviting people, half of whom I've never seen before, doesn't seem right to me. This has to be linked to all his illegal work and it gets me going that maybe tonight I'll find some new things out. But with the amount of news stations here, documenting this event for tomorrow's news, he'd have to be careful.

As I round the corner to reach The Overlook, my feet quickly shuffle towards my favourite corner. I immediately spot Katie the sea turtle near the surface, her hard shell just poking out above the surface of the water. A smile quickly forms on my face at the sight.

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