"Nah, not this time. I did tell him he needs to pay better attention though."

   This is the first time this week we've been able to FaceTime since I switch back to mornings tomorrow. Thanks to technology we decided to have a "dinner date."  "Hold that thought," she says as I hear her oven timer go off.  

   "What are we having?" I ask as I watch her figure bend over to pull something from the oven. I'd like to make a comment, but we're not there yet, so I'll just admire it with my eyes instead of my words. 

   She pulls the pan out of the oven. "It's actually a meatball pizza."

   "So you can cook?" I ask.

   "Not this! No, this came from the Inn. I just brought it home and crisped it up," she tells me while she plates her dish. "What are you having?"

  "Dinner of champions," I say as I carry the tablet with me to my stove. "Boxed mac n cheese."

  Opal looks back at me as she takes her seat back at the table. "Are you attempting to relive your childhood?" she laughs out.

   "Something like that. I did at least add a can of cream of chicken soup, that makes it more adult right?" I tease.

   Her smile greets me again as I return to my own table. "Whatever you need to tell yourself, Evans." 

  We each take a couple of bites in silence. Finally, I speak up. "So, if this were a real in person date, we'd be getting to know each other more. All I've learned tonight is that you can't cook and I'm a kid at heart. What do you say we spice up the conversation?"

  Opal's eyebrow shoots up. "Spice? You want spicy conversation?" Her features tell me that makes her nervous and I realize she thinks I mean sexual conversation.

  "Not exactly what I mean, Opal," I laugh out. "I mean, some fun getting to know you questions again." Her features relax again. 

  "Okay, I suppose that would be beneficial. You first."

  Now that I'm on the spot I'm trying to decide where to start. I spoon another bite into my mouth. "When was the last time you tried something new?"

  "You mean, aside from this?" she asks. I can't help but chuckle because she's definitely right, this is very new for her. "Okay, other than, this," I motion between the two of us.

  She's thoughtful for a moment. "I tried a new type of coffee yesterday," she laughs out as I roll my eyes. "I'm sorry! I guess this," she motions between us this time, "is about all the 'new' I can handle at one time."

   "Okay, okay. I guess I can understand that. Your turn? Whatcha got for me?"

  "What is an activity that can make you lose track of time?" she asks me before lifting a slice of pizza to her mouth. 

   I could be funny, and say watching her lips, but again this is probably not the best time, so I choose a more acceptable answer. "Working out at the gym. More specifically punching the punching bag. It's a good way to let off steam after a rough shift. Or after listening to Cooper spout off."

   "Have you had to let off a lot of steam recently?"

   My head leans off to the side a bit. "Actually yes. A little less this week since you're answering my calls," I say, seeing a light crimson flush cross her cheeks. "But, the day after I met you at the bar, was a different story."

   I watch as Opal lifts her hand to cover the giggles coming across her lips. "Sorry about that."

  "Are you though? I mean, really, are you?" I taunt her. I'm met with a shoulder shrug and a smirk. "That's what I thought. Alright, next question... radio, cds or playlist?"

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