"Yeah" Archie nodded.

"Alright fine" I sighed as I gave in to the two who were clearly going to get their way either way.

Once Betty had left, I was left alone with Archie. I watched as he set up my bed beside his and I sighed as I pulled out my phone and I noticed the many notifications I had received without realising.

Archie sighed and walked over to his closet where he pulled out a hoodie and he passed it to me.

"You clothes are wet" He pointed out. I sighed and nodded.

Archie left so I could change and once I had I attempted to make myself comfortable in the covers Archie had given me to sleep with. Archie was laying on his bed scrolling through his phone as I attempted to try rest but the pain throbbing on my side made me struggle to lay properly. I was just stuck on my back which I hated. Eventually I sat up which caught Archie's attention.

"You okay?" He questioned.

"I just can't lay properly..." I sighed as I looked at him. "It's uncomfortable" Archie looked at me sympathetically and he pulled his covers open and moved across.

"What?" I questioned as I stared at him in shock.

"Oh come on it's not like we're doing anything. I've known you since we were five, we're just friends" Archie laughed.

"Alright...just we won't speak of this" I sighed as I stood up and climbed into the covers beside Archie.

"Fine by me" Archie nodded.

I laid one side of the bed while Archie laid the other. Archie had his back to me while I was just on my back as the pain she felt while trying to lay on my side was unbearable. But the bed was indeed much more comfortable then the floor.

However I closed my eyes in hope of sleeping through the pain. But I was wrong to believe I could sleep the pain away.


My lungs tightening and my throat closing so much I couldn't breathe.

Then I saw him.

Sweet Pea falling to the ground with a knife in his chest.

I tried to scream his name but no words escaped my lips.

I just watched as he fell to the ground. He didn't move.

Tears swelled in my eyes and I tried to get up and run to him but I was trapped. My legs wouldn't move. I felt paralysed and defeated.

My eyes closed for a second and once they re opened I was under water. Screaming and crying but sinking deeper and deeper. Someone was pulling me down. I screamed louder and louder but I only could hear myself.

I bolted up in Archies bed, screaming loudly as I clutched my chest. The red head beside me sat up instantly as my screams had woken him. He noticed my breathing was heavy and uneven and he rushed his arms around me, pulling me into his hold and embracing me tightly. I was shaking and crying.

"Hey. Hey Nat...I've got you...I'm here" Archie whispered as he rocked me back and fourth.

Archie kept reassuring me that he was there and then he helped me slow my breathing until I had calmed. My head was against his chest and Archie kept telling me that I would be okay.

Slowly, I had eased and Archie sighed with relief as he noticed how still I had become. He went to lay me back down but noticed I had wrapped my arms firmly around his arm. I wasn't letting him go. Archie didn't mind though. He was just happy he was able to help me so he slowly lowered himself back down, careful not to wake me and he stayed awake until he was certain I was properly asleep and then he closed his eyes, hoping for me that I would sleep in peace and unharmed.

Poisonous Serpents|| Sweet Pea [2]Where stories live. Discover now