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Chapter 45- Missing Body

"Jughead!" I exclaimed as I pulled my brother aside.

"What's wrong?" He questioned as I checked no one else was around.

"Ethel told me who the Gargoyle King is" I whispered.

Jughead's eyes widened. "What? Who?"

"Jughead...she said it was Jason Blossom" I whispered again.

"No way!" Jughead gasped a little loudly. I covered his mouth, checking no one had appeared and then I nodded.

"Yes way" I sighed. "It's impossible I know but there has to be a way we can prove that he's not the Gargoyle King"

"Unless we can show his dead body" Jughead scoffed. "We could dig it up?"

"Dig up a kid from his grave? Jughead that's insane" I mumbled.

"But it could be the only way we can get our proof" Jughead sighed.

I rolled my eyes knowing my twin brother was right. Therefore this led us to the cemetery, shovels in our hands and our eyes set upon the grave of Jason Blossom. It was dark and cold and we had to get this done quickly before someone found us.

Jughead got started digging whilst I stayed on look out. It took us almost 30 minutes until we were soon deep into the grave. I watched Jughead as the piles of dirt piled by our motorcycles and the dim torch light was our only source of being able to see anything. We could get in serious trouble if we were caught doing this.

I jumped as my phone started to ring in my pocket. Jughead looked up at me, glaring as I tried to silence my phone, accidentally answering the caller.

"Sweet Pea hi" I whispered.

"Babe? Where are you? Why are you whispering?" Sweet Pea asked all in one.

"I'm with Jughead. I'll be back later okay? I love you" I said quickly before hanging up, leaving Sweet Pea no chance to respond. I silenced my phone and slid it back into my pocket before jumping down into the grave beside Jughead as he thumbed against the lid of the casket.

"Well this is it" Jughead sighed as we wiped the mud off.

"I only beg he's in here" I sighed as we used a crowbar to open the lid. We pulled it open and gasped.

The casket was empty.


"Dad!" Both me and Jughead called out as we stumbled into his office.

"Kids? What are you still doing out, it's way past her curfew?" Dad asked as he pointed at me.

"We have something to tell you" Jughead sighed.

"And you may want to sit down for this one" I added.

Once we were all sat down, we broke the news about Jason Blossom being the Gargoyle King. Telling him that was what Ethel had told us and that we'd found his casket empty.

"I refuse to accept what Ethel said, that Jason Blossom is the Gargoyle King" Jughead shook his head.

"Even though his coffin was empty. It defies logic" I scoffed. "Besides, why'd Jason do all this?"

"Well, say Ethel is off her rocker, okay, but where is Jason's body?" Dad asked. "And someone's still wearing the Gargoyle Kings antlers, so... it's up to you two and me to figure out who, Blossom or No Blossom"

"I keep thinking about that matchbook Dr. Curdle found in Baby Teeth's throat. Kurtz must have got that at the Maple Club, right?" Jughead said.

"What are you getting at, boy?" Dad questioned.

"Do you have a copy of Kurtz's mug shot I can borrow?" Jughead asked dad.

Jughead and I found ourselves venturing back to the Maple Club in hopes of answers. We came across a woman who was open for questions and hoped we'd leave with something.

"Did you ever see a client in here by the name of Kurtz at the Maple Club?" I asked as I stood by my brothers side.

"He looked like this" Jughead added as he showed the woman Kurtz's mug shot.

"Yes" Answered the woman. "I never worked with him directly"

"Who did he work with?" I asked.

"All of his interactions were with..." The woman began.

"The Red Dahlia? Penelope Blossom?" Jughead started.

"Yeah" She nodded.

"Out of curiosity, you never saw Penelope with a young man, a young redhead, did you?" I asked as I crossed my arms.

You mean her kid, Jason?" The woman questioned. "Yeah, sure, he came around"

My eyes widened and I glanced at Jughead who's expression was exactly like mine.


I sighed as I walked into my room. It had been an exhausting evening and I just wanted to sleep. However, someone had other plans. A black box, tied with a red ribbon bow was placed on my bed with a letter attached to the top. I picked the letter up, catching it say 'The Silver Snake' on the front I only sighed with knowing this wasn't go to be good.

I opened the box, observing the black dress folded neatly inside. I pulled it out, laying it on my bed before picking up the letter and reading it. My phone started to vibrate from my pocket and I pulled it out, answering the caller.

"Jug? Did you get one too?" I asked my twin with a shaky voice.

"Yeah. I'll pick you up in 10 minutes" Jughead said on the other end before the call came to an end.

With an ache in my heart I got changed into the dress. It was beautiful but beautiful for the wrong purpose.

"Why so dressed up?"

I jumped at the voice and turned around, facing Sweet Pea who leaned against the doorway.

"Just for a dinner" I said with a false smile.

"A dinner with who?" Sweet Pea asked as he walked over, helping me zip the dress up.

"The core four" I shrugged.

Sweet Pea picked the letter up and observed it, his eyes widened and he looked at me with fear in his eyes.

"No way. No. Your not going" He refused as he placed his hands on my shoulders.

"I have to. He'll hurt you if I don't" I shook my head.

"So? I rather he hurts me and leaves you alone" Sweet Pea whispered. "Please"

"I can't Pea" I said as my voice broke. I wrapped my arms tightly around Sweet Pea, his arms doing the same around me as I buried my head against him, savouring the moment.

"I love you" Sweet Pea whispered in my ear. "I love you so much"

"I won't have my phone with me, okay? But I promise I'll come back to you" I whispered.

"You bet your ass you'll come back to me" Sweet Pea chuckled. "You won't be leaving me ever"

"Of course" I sighed with a smile. "I love you"

"You know I love you more" Sweet Pea mumbled before lifting my head by my chin and he pressed his lips against mine.

"Natalie!" Jughead called from downstairs.

"Im coming!" I yelled back before kissing Sweet Pea again. I sighed, peeling away from him before I took the letter and left the room, not looking back at Sweet Pea because I knew it would break my heart even more.

"Nice dress" Jughead scoffed as I walked down the stairs.

"Nice suit" I complemented back as I stood beside him.

"Let's get this over with?" I sighed.

"Hm" Nodded Jughead before we left in silence and drove in silence.

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