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Delilahs POV

'The entire arena seems to be laid out like a clock, a new threat every hour. Thankfully they seem to stay within their wedge.' Katniss puffs as water droplets make their way down her dark locks.

It took her approximately 10 seconds to drag Wiress out of the water with her, informing us on her newly uncovered information.

'Wait, so your saying we can go into the jungle as long as we stay clear of the hour in progress?' Peeta returns looking up at her.


I start to think it over, blood rain, monkeys, poisonous fog. If this is how bad some of them are I'd hate to see the rest that's for sure. The sun sets directly above us, making me acknowledge that there's little time left before dark.

'Wiress your a genius!' Finnick shakes her shoulders with praise as a smirk graces his features.

Wiress smiles in return, still most likely out of it.

I love seeing him interact with older people, especially Mags. The way he is always so caring and careful makes my heart burst into thousands of little pieces.

'I'd like to head to the cornucopia to get a better look' Beetee stands from the sand, stretching his back in the process.

A cool breeze brushes across my face, the salt from the water reminding me of home. Oh how I would give anything to be there right now.

'Well we better get to it before dark, I don't exactly have night vision' I quip in return, also standing on my own two feet.

Katniss leads the pack as we walk along the dark rock from the island to the cornucopia, Joanna and I sticking to the back.

Our feet scuff and roll in all of the small cracks and dents that possess the hard surface. I can't help but smile as I watch Finnick hold Wiress' arm to prevent her from falling into the water, stabilising her whenever she makes any sudden movements.

'How you feeling Jo?' I turn my head behind me looking into her tired eyes.

'Well, I certainly wouldn't call this the best day of my life' she scoffs in return, I don't take offence to her words. She just needs someone to vent to, and half the time she doesn't even mean what she says.

Joanna's tall figure makes its way beside me, small talk filling the silence.

'How's lover boy'

her words make my attention divert from Katniss leading the pack to the back of Finnicks muscular body.

I can't help but blush ever so slightly.

'He's good, very good' the last words leave my mouth before I could process them.

Her lip twitches up slightly catching me out, I can't help but me roll my eyes in return.

'I told him I'm in love with him' I admit quietly, just loud enough for her to hear.

She lets out a quiet laugh before turning to me,
'Oh honey, I've heard about it all morning.'
'She actually loves me Joanna, can you believe it?'
'She loves me too'
'I can't imagine my life without her, blah, blah, blah' she recites her conversation with Finnick, laughing to herself slightly.

'You've got that man wrapped around your pretty little finger, I've never seen him like this in all of my years of knowing him.'

Our conversation is cut short as we reach the heart of the cornucopia, forming a semi circle as I stand in between Joanna and Finnick.

Delilah Everdeen // Finnick OdairWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt