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Delilahs POV

Either be the first at the cornucopia, or be the first to be killed.

Thankgod for all of my daily workouts that included activities like swimming and running otherwise I would have been dead within the first 10 seconds.

After the countdown everything was a blur, my legs ran as fast as they could take me as my sight was set solely on the bow and arrow inside of the cornucopia.

I am the first one there, I pick up and throw the pack of arrows over my shoulder ready to get the fuck out. The district 7 boy approaches me with a knife and before he gets the chance to swing I had already impaled his heart with an arrow.


I rip it back out not wanting to waste any and bolt.

All I can hear in the background as my feat carry me through the field are the sounds of cannons signaling people's deaths.

I sprint up a snowy hill on a diagonal, changing my direction every few meters, wanting to put as much distance as I can between myself and everyone else.

My body is running on adrenaline and I am praying it doesn't wear off anytime soon.


I need to find a stable water supply or I'll be dead within a matter of days.

As I weave through the pine trees they bring me a sense of comfort, they remind me of Katniss and when we hunted together in district 12.

After an hour of walking and not coming across anyone I decide to sit down for a bit, I need to reserve some energy incase I have trouble sleeping tonight.

As I pull my satchel of arrows back over my shoulders I notice a small pack connected to it.

How the fuck didn't I notice this before?

I quickly unzip it and pour out the contents inside. It contains a small tin bottle, a bag of nuts, and a rope.

I smile to myself knowing I have something to eat, something to carry water in and something to tie myself down with when I find a stable tree to sleep in.

The weather suddenly feels 10 degrees colder and I start to shake as my adrenaline high wears off.

Shit. Shit. Shit.


I start to walk down the hill a little as most water runs downwards, after about 20 minutes I come across a small stream.

I quickly drink from it and fill up my small tin and set off to find somewhere to sleep.
My sight sets on a large pine tree that has thick enough branches to support me.

I have always been able to climb.

I slowly make my way up before I'm a good 20 meters in the air before I tie myself in.

I settle down and lean my head against the trunk of the tree.

'I killed someone' I say to myself barely audible.

I killed him without so much as a flintch, his face burns into my brain as he took his last breath.

Because of me.

I sob silently into my hands, before they find my golden rose pendant. I look at it and read it again, I kiss it and look up to the sky with watery eyes.

I never got to say thankyou for it.

So I look up and mouth the words thankyou, before drifting off into a light sleep.

Delilah Everdeen // Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now