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Hey guys, this is a shorter chapter just to fill in the time between the interviews and and games. The games will start next chapter!!!

It's not my best chapter, I wasn't really in the mood for writing when I wrote it I forced myself to finish it so we could start the games . Sorry in advance <3

Finnicks POV

As the lights go out, screams pierce throughout The stadium, my hand reaches out for Delilahs out of instinct.

Only to find that she's no longer there.

My fists clench with the thought of something possibly happening to her. I try and adjust my eyesight to the darkness that consumes the building.

'Delilah' I stress trying to find my way in the dark, before a hand grabs my own and pulls me down off of the podium.

I'm pulled back stage with the rest of the tributes, everyone is here except her.

My legs carry me towards Katniss as I grab her shoulder and turn her around, 'where is she!?'

'Where's who?' Her eyebrows furrow in confusion.

'Delilah, I can't find her' my head turns, scanning the entire room once again in a panic.

'Look I'll help you find her, but I'm doing it for Delilah, not for you'

'I don't care who you doing it for, just help me god damn it!' I storm away looking behind curtains, speakers, almost everything someone could hide behind.

'Lost something Odair?'

'No, but if you keep talking Gloss you might lose a tongue'

why would she run?

Loud noises.

The second the screams erupted, her hand teared away from my own. The jabber jays really messed with her during the games, I remember even Blade raising his voice in the hospital had her in tears.

I know where she is.

I bolt towards the elevators, pressing the button frantically waiting for it to come back down. Once it emerges I quickly enter, pressing number 4.

I run my hands through my hair trying to calm myself down, I could only imagine how she's feeling right now.

She's ok
She's ok
She's ok

She does a good job at hiding her ptsd from me, and if I hadn't known her so well I'd think she were perfectly fine.

I hear her waking up in the middle of the night in tears, covering her screams with her hand so she doesn't wake me. I see her flinch ever so slightly every time a door slams or someone raises their voice. I notice it all, but this time she doesn't have to be alone.

This has got to be the slowest elevator I've ever been in I swear to god. My palm hits the door in frustration.


Before I know it I'm already in he room, my fingers find her light switch, flicking it on making the room light up at once.

'Delilah, it's Finnick'


I try to keep my voice as calm as possible, trying to avoid scaring her any further.

I have searched the entire room inside and out, no sign of her whatsoever. I find my way to her white bed and sit on it, placing my head in my hands.

Delilah Everdeen // Finnick OdairWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu