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Delilahs POV

The night leaves as soon as it arrives, and before I know it I'm walking into my first training session.

I tied my blonde hair into a low, middle parted pony tail, still slightly curly from last night.

Finnick insisted on walking me down here today, which I found very chivalrous.

He disappeared last night for about an hour and returned in a very good mood, I asked where he went and he said I'll find out one day.

Whatever that's supposed to mean.

We ate dinner all together last night, though Annie had to excuse herself early.

Not that I was complaining.

It felt... normal?
Finnick, Mags and I, just like old times.
We laughed and enjoyed each other's company, something very hard to do in a time like this.

I honestly don't know what to do about Finnick, things have been so good over the past couple of days. I've been putting aside my issue with him, I only want good memories before I enter that arena.

Currently we are walking down the long hallway leading to the training room. My feet scuff the white floors, trying to leave marks.

'So, what's the game plan?' He looks down at me, giving me his signature smirk.

I roll my eyes, Jesus that smirk could literally have anyone wrapped around his finger. I play it off pretending it didn't effect me.

'Hmmm, to not get into a punch on?' I ask looking up at him through my lashes.

'Rosie, I'm a lover not a fighter' He smiles, sarcasm flooding his voice.

'Oh I was just stating my own personal goal, wouldn't want to break any jaws before I really have to' I shrug

He looks at me in astonishment, almost as if he can't believe what I had just said.

'You on the other hand, I think your personal goal should be to not look at your reflection in every glass pane we walk past' I smile, entering through the automated doors.

'I've got a reputation to uphold, how dare you!' He places his hand over his heart gasping.

His words make me laugh, I like this fun banter we have going on between us recently.

It's refreshing

I come to a halt and observe the other tributes already within the centre.

Career tributes, Peeta and Katniss, Wiress and Beetee and Joanna.

Great turn out this year, 11/24 including Finnick and I. This has to be some sort of record for the least amount of tributes to ever show up.

How embarrassing.

I turn to Finnick, noticing he's also observing everyone who showed up today.

'Any thoughts on who you want as allies?' I ask out of curiosity.

He turns and looks me in the eyes, 'you'

I chuckle at his response.

'Finnick wheather you like it or not you have me, but we need others too' I smile.

'I like that' he grins.

What is going on with him, he's acting as if he's high off his head.

'What do you like?' My brows furrow in confusion.

He takes a step closer to me, towering over my smaller frame. Placing a hand on my cheek and looking into my blue eyes,
'I like that you said 'you have me' He smiles, caressing my cheek.

Delilah Everdeen // Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now