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A/N - play song when you see the words
'Play song here'

Delilahs POV


My chest rises and falls in panic as I look around the arena, every tribute is placed evenly around the cornucopia.


The Cornucopia is surrounded by a huge body of water, the only thing that separates me from the liquid is a small podium that is submerged from the depths of it.


A bank of sand surrounds the outskirts of the water, reminding me of the beach back in district 4. The blue sky above creating the illusion of a peaceful and normal day.

How ironic.


Only 10 meters of sand covers the outskirts of the arena before it's stopped dramatically by nothing but jungle.

I can only imagine how humid and muggy it will be once I get there.

If I get there.


To my right is the female from District 8, and to my left is the male from District 3.


The sudden decrease of time makes my vision focus on what's inside of the cornucopia, and if I'm correct there's absolutely nothing but weapons.

No food.
No water.


I hope Katniss, Peeta and Joanna know how to swim.


It looks to be about a 40 meter swim before you reach the rock of the cornucopia.


I spot a bow


That bow is mine.

Play Song Here.


Before I know it my body has already submerged into the water, swimming at record pace.

Lord knows my swim teacher is watching and is probably timing me.

I glide through the salty water, doing a basic freestyle before my hands graze a hard surface in-front of me.

I must have swam quicker than I initially thought.

I'm on high alert as my head emerges from the water, I quickly look around me noticing half of the tributes are still on their podiums.

They don't know how to swim.

Before I know it, the girl from district 8 is right on my tail, I waste no time pulling myself up onto the surface and sprinting towards the cornucopia.

Every step I take I find myself praying I don't fall, the rock is jagged, pieces sticking out all over the place.

The girl from district 8 is on my right, gaining ground almost as quickly as I am.
It's a 50 meter straight run before the actual cornucopia, the longest 50 meters of my entire life.

My legs don't give up as they accelerate unlike ever before.

20 meters to go.

10 meters to go.

5 meters to go.

I reach the cornucopia not stopping to catch my breath as I throw the satchel of arrows over my shoulder and collect the bow by its side.

Delilah Everdeen // Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now