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Delilah POV

My body wakes me up, most likely from sleeping for so long. Today is the day of the tribute parade, and unlike most years where it is held at night, this year they decided to hold it mid day.

I groan and roll onto my right side, checking the clock on my bedside table.


Not too bad, but I'm sure My prep team need about three hours to prep my skin and hair, another hour for makeup and the final one to get dressed and arrive at the venue.

I walk into my ensuite, prepared to be scared of my reflection. It's the kind of reflection that would make kids scream on Halloween.

Just my luck.

I don't bother trying to fix my appearance, I'm sure my team can manage it.

After all it's what their payed to do.

I brush my teeth and set off for breakfast, looking among the buffet the avoxs had prepared.

It is truly cruel how they are forced to live the way they do. I can't even begin to imagine what it's like, so I try my best to always show kindness and help when needed.

I load my plate up with bacon, sausages and toast. I Sit down at the dining table all by myself, finally getting the chance to process everything.

What a fucking nightmare.

It's terrifying knowing your death is inevitable, that there's no way to even stop it.

There's no way I was going to win.

It's not that I don't think I'm skilful or capable enough, because I know I am.

The thing is, there was no way in hell I could ever kill Katniss, Joanna, Peeta or Finnick.

And I'm ok with that, it makes it the thought of death easier knowing I'll be dying for the people I love.

'Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in'

I roll my eyes at the sound of her voice, why couldn't it be mags?

'Morning Annie, How was your sleep? Oh wait, I don't give a shit' I smile looking over to her, and my god she looks even worse than me.

'Mmm I slept pretty well, worked up a sweat before hand actually' she winks grabbing an orange.

Worked up a sweat?

'I find it hard to imagine you actually putting in enough effort into anything to break a sweat' I smile sarcastically.

'Oh don't worry baby, anything having to do with Finnick and I go over and beyond'

What the fuck?

She's got to be fucking with me, there's no way that he went back to her.

'It's cute that you think you can get under my skin Annie, especially when half the shit you say is because your either jealous or insecure' I fire back standing from my seat, making sure the chair screeches across the tiles.

A cough escapes someone's lips from the hallways entry, making my head whip in its direction.

'Morning' Finnick rasps in his morning voice, rubbing his eye.

Lord help me.

He's wearing low waisted tracksuit pants and no top, showing off his abs and tanned skin.

'Morning baby' Annie smiles, cutting her orange.

I just roll my eyes, if what Annie is saying is true I don't even want to be in this room anymore.

Delilah Everdeen // Finnick OdairTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon