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Delilahs POV

Finnick and I spent the rest of the night together enjoying each other's company.

I laid my head on his chest with his strong embrace wrapped around my body, watching and listening to the rain as he whispered sweet things in my ear.

I've never felt so safe and comfortable in my entire life.

Today is our last day in the capital, first we have our training scores to earn then our interviews.

I wonder what Harry has up his sleeve tonight.

I finish tying my blonde hair into a low pony tail, staring into my reflection. Ever since being back with Finnick I feel like a whole new person, it's almost as if my skin glows 10x brighter.

I make my way out into the kitchen, ready for the day in my training gear.
'Morning GiGi' I smile as I bite into my apple.
She lifts her head from whatever device she holds within her hands, 'Morning pretty, how you doing?' She gives me a sad smile as she makes her way over to me.

I let out a breath as she embraces me,
'It's surreal, that's for sure' I mumble into her wig.

She pulls away and strokes my cheek with her hand, 'I'm not allowed to place bets, but if I did it would be on you' GiGi's lips form into a line.

A few seconds of comfortable silence goes by,
'You show them baby, don't back down today. Show them the person you've become'

I will.

I shake the sadness away as I start to wonder where Finnick is. 'Hey GiGi, have you seen Finnick today?' I ask throwing my apple core into the compost.

'Yeh I have actually, he said he would see you in the waiting room. There was something he had to do' she informs as her phone rings and she excuses herself.

What does he have to do?

As I make my way down to the tribute waiting room I have 100 questions running through my head.

Where is he?
What is he doing?
Who is he with?
Is he ok?

I stress myself out so much I don't even acknowledge the conversation going on around me.

'Don't you agree Maisy?'

'W-what?' I shake my head trying to give Katniss my attention.

Her brows furrow in concern, 'are you ok?' She worries, grabbing my arm. I give her a small smile, 'yeh, just nervous I guess.'

She narrows her eyes, letting me know that she doesn't believe me but instead of pushing for an answer she leaves it.

I'm up next and there's still no sign of Finnick, where could he be?

'Delilah-Mae Everdeen please report for individual assessment' a voice orders over the speaker.

I start freaking out, where is he?

I ignore my gut feeling and walk towards the doors, my footsteps echo throughout the space as I feel eyes watching my every move.

'Delilah-Mae Everdeen, District 4' I recite.

The head game maker nods his head, intrigued with what I'll perform.

'm-make them p-pay'

It's like I can hear her weak voice whispering into my ear, making a chill run down my spine.

For Daisy.

Tributes get a total of 20 minutes for their assessment, but I won't need more than 10.

Delilah Everdeen // Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now