Opal shook her head, turning white. "I really really cannot do it. I can't sleep at night. They scare you in the crowd too." She clutched my arms tightly.

"Can't force you, but that means..." I trailed off, shaking my head. Plans ended tonight.

"Tonight's over for me, but you enjoy, okay?" Opal said earnestly. "Thanks so much for tonight. Let Callum know I did have a good time."

"That's great," I said weakly. Meaning I would be stuck alone. Who knew if Callum would stick around. Probably not. Most definitely not.

She hugged me good night, and I wanted to go with her, but she insisted I enjoy the show. Words were lost on me as I made my way to the blanket. A blanket that Flora let me borrow. She wasn't feeling too good, and I had to cheer her up somehow. I'd ask Ara and Opal tomorrow if there was anything special we could do.

Especially since I knew her mate wanted to kill me.

I frowned, staring straight ahead. Peeved at the whole incident. With Adrienne, and then my injury. My injury healed by itself. I've never showcased any healing abilities without magic. It couldn't be possible without magic.

"It was a stormy night..." the narrator on the stage tried to sound ominous and spooky. "A man died in the sea."

Suddenly, there was no point in me sticking around. Everyone I knew left. Even Trey and those teen girls didn't want to watch this.

No one would hold it against me if I did.

I started to put my shoes back on.

"Thinking about leaving? What about the people that spent countless hours practicing?" a very arrogant voice asked from my side. Repeating my own words to me. He always did that. Sometimes he just needed not to pay too much attention at what I say.

Which means I have to stay to prove my point to him. There's no way he's going to win or give him any sort of satisfaction. 

Making it even worse, Callum sits next to me. "Are you not going to leave me this time?"

He noticed I was gone? Why did he sound betrayed by it?

"No, I support the people," I replied. Wondering if it would be too forward if I asked him what he thought of Opal. 

It was silent between us. 

The background noise was the play where they were doing Frankenstein with a lot more blood and killing. Someone had an imagination alright. 

For some reason, Callum was making me feel nervous. He was staying. Watching this play. Like, actually watching it. I was watching him watch it. Creepy, but I needed to know why on earth he was staying.

So I asked him, coming off ruder than I intended. "Why are you staying here anyways?"

"I'll leave then if you want me to go." Callum was quiet, about to actually leave. At that moment, I knew I didn't want him to.

"W-wait-" I stopped him, grabbing a piece of his shirt only slightly, but he stood completely still. "I'd like the company. Honest."

Callum didn't move, but settled back in.

I eyed the basket that was next to him. "Don't mean to assume..."

"Already assuming." Callum finally turned his head to me. His unnerving know it all gaze.

I maintained my smile even though I really wanted to growl at him. Callum sure knew how to make me angry. 

"Is...are...did you guys already eat all my muffins?"

The Hidden Alpha (Stryders #4) - HOLDΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα