Ch 1: Prologue

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Author's Note:

Hiya, my name's Tas and I'm super excited that you decided to check out my story! Just an FYI, I do weekly uploads and if you enjoy this chapter, please consider voting, it would really make my day! Now, without further ado, I hope you enjoy Staying Alive.


"Willow~" I stepped outside of my apartment, bundled up with layers of clothes. The cold was not a place for my kitten, Willow, to be in. I walked through the snow feeling winter's chilly embrace. The wind was so cold it burned my face. As I walked through the icy snow, I could hear it crunch beneath my feet. The white snow had completely covered the sidewalk and street like a beautiful white blanket. Winter during the 1930's was definitely a beautiful scene.

Snowflakes gracefully fell from the sky I as searched. "Willow, where are you?" I whispered to myself. I continued walking along the sidewalk in vain.

All of a sudden, I heard a faint rustle coming from a nearby alley in front of me. "Willow?"

I slowly creeped towards the alley hoping to not startle and find my kitten. There a few boxes stacked up and the rustling seemed to come from behind it so I hid behind the old boxes with chances of catching my run away cat. But before I could even try, I heard some low voices coming from deeper into the alley.

"P-please! I have a family! I promise I'll pay you back!" A middle aged man wailed as he begged on his knees. "I just need more time!" He pleaded to two mysterious figures hidden in the shadows standing before him. One of them holding a pistol to his forehead.

The other took a step out of the shadows and towards the helpless man. An angel with devil horns, dressed in a black plain skirt with suspenders and a white long sleeved button down shirt was revealed. "We don't want to hear your crap, Winston!" She sneered. "You know the rules, pay up or get cussed up."

The man's eyes enlarged to the size of saucers. "Please! I'll do anything you-" CRACK! The gun's trigger had been pulled.

The bullet punched it's way through his neck, causing a gaping hole in it that had blood quickly gushing out. The man slumped to the ground, a pool of blood forming around him which soaked into his clothes as he choked to death on it.

I watched in horror as it happened, my face was as pale as a winter storm. I slowly crawled away and hid deeper into the boxes while panting in fear.

The tall figure who had pulled the trigger also came out of the shadows and revealed to be a grey wolf who wore black pants with suspenders, a white dress shirt and a black fedora. The wolf wore a smug smile as he stepped closer to the dead corpse and stole an expensive looking pocket watch from the dead man's blood drenched coat. He tucked the watch into his own pocket and then signaled his partner, the angel, to help him with the body. I watched in shock as they both carried the body and disposed of it by throwing it into a bag large enough to hold a grown man's body.

It started snowing even harder which helped cover the blood off the ground. The two assassins dragged the body bag threw the snow and towards the exit of the alley, where I was hidden. I covered my mouth to not make a sound as they stood just a few feet away from me. Luckily, I was well hidden behind the pile of boxes towering about 8 feet tall.

Then, unfortunately, a spider came crawling down the boxes. My eyes widened and my mouth urged to make some noise, but I didn't. Do. Not. Scream. I shut my eyes tight and scooted a few inches away until my back hit the brick wall of the building behind me.

"Weren't they supposed to be 'ere a few minutes ago?" The wolf quietly groaned to his partner.

"Look, there they come."

A black 1938 Cadillac Sixty-Special pulled up to the alley way. The driver's window rolled down and a man wearing a brown fedora was shown.

"You're late. What have you two been doing? You're only job is to drive." The wolf grumbled.

"Look, driving 'round 'ere isn't easy with all the cops y'know." A second man who got out of the passenger's seat explained. He too wore a brown fedora complete with a brown suit.

"Oh pipe down, Norman. We were the ones who had to do the hard part." The angel sneered in a joking manner and crossed her arms.

In the exact moment, the worst of the worst happened. The spider landed of my face.

"AHHH-" I shrieked in terror. But before I could even attempt to get it off me, I felt a cold item pressed down on my forehead. I froze and could hear my heart beat faster than ever. The sound of a gun being reloaded really surprised me. Oh sh-

"Who are you and why are you following us?" A snobby voice asked. I slowly looked up. The wolf looked me dead in the eyes while holding gun weapon to my head. "Answer me!"

"I-" I choked on my own gasp. "I'm just looking for my kitten! I'm sorry!" I croaked.

The man in the driver's seat stepped out of the car. "Let the girl go, Boris. She's probably very confused." He put his hands in his back pockets as he walked towards me. The wolf frowned at his statement.

The angel put her hand on the defendant's shoulder. "She knows too much, Sammy. We gotta get rid of her."

I looking around at the mob standing in front of me as I felt tears starting to roll down my cheeks. "Please! I-I'll do whatever you want me to do!" I cried, heavy tears stung my eyes. The snow started to gently fall again, the night was silent. The group stared at me.

Sammy crossed his arms. "We could use a pretty girl like her for bait." He shrugged. Alice looked offended.

"You're saying I'm not pretty?" She place her right hand on her hip to give off some attitude.

Sammy smirked. "Not with that flat a-"

"We're getting out of track!" Boris snapped as he slapped Sammy in the back of the head. Sammy only chuckled and winked at me. Alice scoffed.

All I could do was gulp and wait for my fate as blinked the tears away.

"I do think it would be a good idea though." Norman pitched in, hanging out by the car. Boris thought about it for a moment. Everybody waited for his decision.

He grumbled and then lowered the gun. But I still didn't feel safe. I wiped my tears and attempted to look brave.

"Fine. But we're still going to talk to Benicio about this." Boris flipped the gun around so that the handle was facing me. "But for now-" He swung the gun towards my head. BAM.


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