Look Who's a Double Agent Now

Start from the beginning

Relief turned into an overwhelming calm as Hikari looked down at his hand intertwined with hers before forcing herself to speak. She had to, she was just so happy right now. She had to say something to him.

And so, she opened her mouth, gazing at her brother as her lips started to turn into a warm smile of their own, the tears ever apparent in her eyes. "Keigo..I..."

Yet that's when she saw it, a very familiar glow of blue approaching from behind.

Widening her eyes at the sight, Hikari barely had time to open her mouth in surprise before the blue flames seemed to appear from nowhere, hitting Keigo in the chest as the fire consumed his entire body.

She felt a scream etch in the back of her throat as her brother let out his own ear piercing scream at the sound of being burned alive, his skin melting off in front of her as Hikari's hallowed eyes could only stare. "KEIGO!!"

Hikari tried to force her body to move but the muscles seemed to tense on themselves, only able to watch as her big brother was murdered and burned alive before her very eyes, the fire consuming everything she loved.

Feeling bile make its way into her chest, the girl then looked down at her own shaking hands before letting out a stifled sob. Now it seemed everything was suffocating, caving in on her in a single instant. Her brother, her only family, what had just happened?

That's when she heard it, the singular sound of footsteps growing closer and closer until someone stopped just before her ear, leaning down with a voice that made her entire body flitch. "Oh, Princess, you didn't really think you could lie to me like that? I mean, changing those files, you really think I wouldn't notice?"

Tensing up immediately, Hikari didn't have the strength to turn around as her entire body grew with horror. He knew, Dabi knew that she changed the files, he knew that he lied to keep Keigo alive. He knew she was trying to double cross him.

That's why he did this, for revenge.

Her silence only seemed to bring even more joy to him though, Dabi leaning even closer before his breath coated her ear with sickening delight, knowing he had just ruined everything for her.

"I told you, didn't I? I can take anything I want, anytime I want."

A heavy realization seemed to wash over her then, Hikari feeling herself fall onto her knees as she stared at the burnt and charred remains of her brother before a heavy sob seemed to work its way into her throat.

Her big brother was dead, just when she finally found him again.

Shaking hands quickly found their way to his dead burnt flesh as Hikari felt completely and utterly destroyed as Dabi laughed behind her with sickening joy. "K-Kei..n-no..no no no no no....p-please...d-don't leave me alone again...I'm sorry.."

Just then, a small voice echoed in the back of her mind yet the girl was so destroyed

that she hardly noticed it, shaking her head in denial. "N-No..."

Although once again, the voice appeared again, someone lightly touching her head as they spoke, soft and gentle. "Hikari.."

Hikari only continued to speak her head though, sobbing loudly as she gathered up her dead big brother in her arms. Why did she open her heart up like, why did she lead him to his death? She didn't mean to.

She just wanted to be loved.

"I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Shaking her head, someone suddenly seemed to grab onto her shoulders and push her forwards,the force causing the world around her to spin as the voice seemed desperate for something. "HIKARI...open your eyes, kid..wake up..."

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