High School Imagines: Meeting Cho Sang-woo(Female reader)

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When you and Gi-hun entered the library, Gi-hun waved at guy who was sitting at a table with a book in his hand. The guy had on glasses and had his hair in a black bowl like hairstyle. You couldn't lie; he looked like one of those attractive nerd guys you see in those drama high school movies.

"Sang-woo!" Gi-hun yelled out. Everyone in the library shushed Gi-hun as he covered his mouth and whispered a sorry. You both walked over to where the guy was sitting and sat down in front of him.

"Y/N this is my friend Cho Sang-woo." Gi-hun introduced.

"Sang-woo if you please." Sang-woo said as he looked at you with a serious look. Your heart raced at the look piercing your soul and just hung your head down while fiddling with your fingers. All of a sudden you saw a hand cover your nervous hands. You looked up to see Sang-woo standing up in front of you.

"I don't bite. Can you please tell me your name?" Sang-woo asked.

"Y/N." You replied softly. Sang-woo raised an eyebrow meaning that he didn't hear you loud enough. "Y/N." You said a little bit louder.

"Charmed to have you here." Sang-woo said as he grabbed one of your hands and kissed it. You snatched your hand away and covered your beet red face.

"Sang-woo, stop making girls flustered." Gi-hun said as he nudged him.

"I can't help it. Im just myself when it comes to ladies." Sang-woo said as he took off his glasses and rub one of the lenses. "So where are you from?" Sang-woo asked.

"HT/N." You replied.

"That's in S/N correct?" Sang-woo asked. You nodded your head but was a bit shocked that he got the location right.

"How did you k-" You were cut off by him.

"I take a geography class." Sang-woo said.

"He's the brains out of the two of us." Gi-hun said.

"And this one..." Sang-woo began referring to Gi-hun. "Likes to copy off my work."

"You know tests are a deal breaker when it comes to grades." Gi-hun said defending himself.

"Well if you were to come over to the study hall afterschool yesterday, maybe you would've passed the honest way." Sang-woo said. You chuckled at the two bickering over academics.

"So Miss Y/N, do you enjoy our school so far?" Sang-woo asked. You nodded your head.

"Gi-hun glued the teacher to his seat." You said as you chuckled. Sang-woo shooked his head and smirk.

"I'll say as much as I wanna pass that class...I don't like the teacher." Sang-woo said. "I heard him yelling when the bell rang so I figured Gi-hun might've did something."

During the conversation, a girl approached you guys with a pink letter in her hand.

"Um, hi Sang-woo um...this is for you." The girl said as she placed the envelope on the table and scurried off flustered and squealing.

"Another one huh?" Sang-woo said to himself.

"How many do you have?" You asked out of curiosity.

"So far today this is my 15th one." Sang-woo replied nonchalantly. Your jaw dropped at his response but at the same time you wasn't surprised overall. You were right about him being eye candy. I mean...look at him!

"Miss Y/N please close your mouth before something goes down your throat." Sang-woo said. You didn't know whether to take that as actual advice or him being seductive. Your mind screamed that he was flirting with you as your face turned red. The pressure was too much then the next thing you know...you blacked out.

"Dude! So now you wanna flirt?" Gi-hun said as he panicked at the sight of your unconscious body.

"That wasn't flirting." Sang-woo defended. "I was being helpful because there was a fly near her."

"What fl-" Gi-hun cut himself off when a house fly flew pass his field of vision. "Oh."

"Help me take her to the nurse office." Sang-woo said as he grabbed you by the legs. Gi-hun grabbed you by the arms and head and both of them carried you to the nurse office where they laid you down in one of the beds.

"I hope she'll avoid trouble while she's here." Sang-woo said. "I'm afraid this school will eat her alive."

"Ahh, I'm sure she'll be fine." Gi-hun said as he and Sang-woo both walked out the nurse office.

To be continued...

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