High School Imagines: Meeting Sae-Byeok(Female reader)

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Your eyes fluttered open to a very bright light. The bright light stung your eyes a bit as you sat up rubbing your eyes. You looked around to see that you're not in the library but rather in what looks like to be the schools infirmary. You began to hear heavy breathing and turned to see a black haired girl with an angry look on her face. She was covered in bruises and cuts like she has been in a fight recently. The nurse came back and saw that you were awake.

"Oh! Youre awake good." The nurse said.

"What happened?" You asked.

'You fainted in the school library." The nurse replied. "Two young men carried you here then went to their classes." The nurse went into the cabinet and took out some cotton balls and a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. The nurse poured the hydrogen peroxide on a cotton ball and began to dab the black hair girl's face. The girl hissed and muttered cuss words in Korean whenever the cotton ball came in contact with her open wounds.

"Sae-Byeok, this is the 3rd fight youve gotten into this week." The nurse said. "Is it the same person?" She asked. The girl nodded her head. The nurse sighed as she stood up. "I'll go to the principals office. I'll be right back." The nurse said as she walked out the room. The girl, who you believe is Sae-Byeok, looked at you with the same angry expression. If looks can kill, you would've been dead by the look she's giving you. You mustered up some courage to give a small wave as a greeting gesture. She didn't give one back but begin to speak.

"You're not from here, are you?" Sae-Byeok asked. You shook your head no.

"I'm guessing you're the new girl the 2 guys were talking about earlier. The same ones who carried you in here." Sae-Byeok said.

"Y-yes.' You finally said. "I-I'm Y/N". You introduced.

"Kang Sae-Byeok." Sae-Byeok said. "Don't think you and I are gonna become friends because that's not happening."

You were a bit sadden but respected her immediate decision because not everyone is gonna be your friend and that's okay.

"W-what happened to you?" You asked. "Who did that to you?"

"It was just a fight." Sae-Byeok replied. "It's not that big of a deal and why is that any of your concern?" She asked. You sat there in silent, not knowing what to say next because you don't want to anger her more. The nurse came back into the room with a slip in her hand.

"Okay, your mother has been informed and shes coming to pick you up." The nurse explained to Sae-Byeok. "Here's your early dismissal slip." The nurse handed Sae-Byeok the piece of paper then turned to you.

"You're free to go." The nurse said. "Here's your tardy pass." The nurse handed you an orange slip as you got up from the bed and walked out the infirmary. While you was walking out you looked back at Sae-Byeok who looked back at you with an empty expression as if she's been emotionally defeated. It broke your heart and you traveled down the hall, feeling as if something had died inside of you. You wanted to get to know her but afraid that she might possibly punch you in the face if you try to strike a conversation with her.

"I'm sure she'll open soon." You thought to yourself as you turned the corner.

All of a sudden...


To be continued...

Sorry if this one is very short(Please don't kill me)

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