High School Imagine: Back again with the real shit Part 3(Female Reader)

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There everyone was...surrounding you in the hospital bed;





and your mother. All of them surrounding the hospital bed you were laying in. It was quiet with only the sounds of sniffling and the heart monitor beeping.

"Please...God save my daughter." Your mom sniffled out. Sang-woo walked up and knelt down to your level and kissed your lips.

"It would've been such a shame if this beautiful flower were to wilt." Sang-woo said. "She's the only flower that'll brighten up the gloomy room that we all are in." Sae-byeok walked up next and pecked your hand.

"She reminded me so much of Ji-yeong...I can't afford to lose another lover." Sae-byeok said. "Please Y/N, don't leave us." Gi-hun came up next.

"Y/N, whenever you're around, I always know I have someone who will laugh at my stupid jokes. You was the glue that brought us all together." Gi-hun said as he caressed your cheek. Finally Ali stepped up.

"N/N, I remember when we first ran into each...it felt like love at first sight with me and it would've sadden me if I didn't take the opportunity to get to know you and I'm glad I did take that opportunity and I realized what a wonderful girl you are. I don't wanna lose you, my Hinata Hyuga." Ali said as he pecked your forehead. The nurse came in and told everyone that visiting hours are almost over and that they need to leave. Sae-byeok sighed as everyone separated themselves from your bed...well except Ali who began to noticed your hand twitching.

"Um, guys...is it me or did Y/N's hand move?" Ali asked.

"Ali, please." Gi-hun said.

"No I'm serious look!" Ali said pointing at your moving hand. Everyone hurried back to your bed to see your eyes fluttering open. Once your vision fully recovered you looked at everyone then gave a small warm smile.

"Hi everyone." You said in a croaked voice. Everyone cried and laughed as they all smothered you into a group hug.

"You're alive!" Ali said.

"Oh thank God!" Your mother cried out. Tears began to fall down your face as everyone continued to shower you in their tears of happiness. You looked at your arm to see that it's in a cast then remembered what happened before you blacked out.

"Wait...what happened to Deok-su?" You asked.

"He's officially in jail." Gi-hun said. "Not only for that post he did but for assault and attempted murder."

"Holy shit." You thought to yourself. You looked around and noticed that Sae-byeok wasn't in the room so you tried to call out to her but your voice was still hoarse from the screaming. Ali brought her in and she ran up to you and hugged you while crying.

"You scared the shit out of me!" Sae-byeok cried out. You shushed her as you rubbed her back.

"I'm here, I'm here and I'm not going anywhere." You croaked out as you began to cry. Sae-byeok began to plant kisses all over your face as you laughed and cried at the same time. Your mom flagged the doctor down as he rushed in and saw that you're awake.

"Oh you're awake!" The doctor said happily. "But we're still gonna have to keep you here overnight."

"Can't we all just stay here?" Gi-hun asked. "I can tell my mom I'll be home to-" The doctor cut him off.

"I wish I could say yes but hospital rules." The doctor said.

"We understand." Sang-woo said. You grabbed his hand and squeezed it tight.

"It's okay...I'll be fine." You said as you gave a small smile. Sang-woo smiled as he kissed your hand and everyone walked out, leaving you all alone in the hospital room. The doctor looked at you and smiled.

"You have a really loving family." The doctor said.

"Yes, yes I do." You said as tears ran down your face while smiling.

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