Squid Game Preferences: They react to you being pregnant

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Seong Gi-hun

Gi-hun.exe has stopped working.

You grew nervous that he wasn't saying anything and began to cry thinking that he was going to react badly to the news. However, the opposite happened as he picked you up and spun you around making you laugh and giggle.

"Ga-Yeong is going to be a big sister!" Gi-hun yelled out happily. "Ohh I gotta tell her." Gi-hun said as he ran to go find the telephone to dial his daughter.

Cho Sang-woo

You were nervous on how to tell Sang-woo that you were expecting. You looked into the study room to see him asleep on the desk and smiled softly. A light bulb went off in your head as you ran off to go run some errands.

An hour later

Sang-woo finally woke up from his nap but to his surprise he woke up to a pacifier on his desk. He grabbed the pacifier and examined it then got up to see a trail of blue and pink footprints on the floor. What was weird is that the footprints looked like they belonged to a baby.

"What is this?" Sang-woo mumbled to himself as he followed the footprints to the foyer. "Y/N? Why is there footprints here?" Sang-woo called out. He grew more confused to the absent response and followed the footprints to the door and opened the door to see a bassinet with a note card on it. Sang-woo picked up the note card that read

Annyeong appa :)

It finally clicked to Sang-woo as he turned around to find you only to see that you're already behind him.

"Are you serious!?" Sang-woo said making sure that you wasn't fucking with him. You smiled and nodded. Sang-woo jumped from the recliner to the couch laughing and yelling in excitement.

"MY BABY'S HAVING A BABY!" Sang-woo screamed out as he picked you up and kissed you passionately.


You and Sae-Byeok always wanted to have kids after you got married. However, you didn't have the ability to impregnate so you and Sae-Byeok decided to ask a close friend to be yall surrogate father. After the procedure, you bought a pregnancy test 3 weeks later. The results came out positive making you cover your mouth and tear up with such glee. You couldnt wait for Sae-Byeok to get home so you can tell her the good news. Actually, you wanted to surprise her so you hid the pregnancy test somewhere where Sae-Byeok will find it at.

When Sae-Byeok got home, you was on the couch asleep. You woke up to the sound of her shrieking and her running into the living room with the pregnancy test in hand. You smiled sleepily as she picked you up bridal style and hugged you tightly.

"We're gonna become parents! My brother is going to become an uncle!" Sae-Byeok said as tears ran down her face. You were still half asleep so you asked Sae-Byeok to let a nap be the first step to celebrating. Sae-Byeok chuckled as she carried you to the bedroom where you both laid down and went to sleep.

Ali Adul

Ali has always wanted his son to have a sibling ever since you two got married. You figured he was going to react positively to the news you were going to give him but you thought that flat out verbally telling him was too cliché so you decided to make things a twist.

"Honey! Can you get something out of the oven?" You asked. Ali looked at you confused but didnt question it and got up and walked into the kitchen. He looked into the oven to see just a small bun and began to question your sanity until he hit him. He started squealing and ran into the bedroom where you was and picked you up bridal style.

"We gotta plan the baby shower soon! Ohhh, if it's a boy I can teach him how to speak Korean or...if it's a girl, I wanna do my best to protect her from any boy that dares break her heart." Ali excitedly said as he rocked you back and forth while planting kisses all over on your face. You giggled and played with his hair.

"You've never looked so much more beautiful than you do right now." Ali said between kisses.

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