High School Imagine: Sweetest Dessert in the Bakery-Gi-hun(Female Reader)

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You came over to G-hun's house for the weekend. Sae-byeok was out with family, Sang-woo had a college interview, and Ali had to go to his brother's soccer game. Mrs. Seong let you in and lead you into the kitchen where you saw Gi-hun wearing a chef's hat.

"Gi-hun?" You began as he turned around and smiled.

"Hey N/N." Gi-hun said. "Are you ready to bake a cake?"

"Oh, I didn't know we were gonna bake today." You chuckled out. You look at his chef's attire which was his chef hat and a pink apron that says, "Kiss the cook"

"Why do you have on my apron?" Mrs. Seong asked.

"This was the closest one I could find." Gi-hun explained. Mrs. Seong bonked him on the head with a wooden spoon.

"Take it off." She demanded.

"Can I at least wear for this occasion, please?" Gi-hun said giving his mother the puppy eyes.

"You used to pull the puppy eyes on me when you was a kid and they're not working anymore." Mrs. Seong said. "But I'll let you wear the apron and you're washing it if you get a speck of flour on it."

"Okay mom." Gi-hun said. Mrs. Seong went upstairs leaving you and Gi-hun in the kitchen.

"Alright let's get down to business." You said as you went into the fridge. "What made you wanna do this?"

"Eh, to spend some time with you alone and I wanna try baking for the first time." Gi-hun replied. "Pass me the eggs." You took out the carton of eggs and passed them to Gi-hun. Gi-hun looked at the cook book and took out 3 eggs.

"Okay so 3 eggs." Gi-hun said as he cracked the eggs against the counter. "Pass me the flour." You looked into the fridge to look for the flour but it wasn't there.

"Um, babe? It's not there." You said. Gi-hun bit his lip trying not to laugh.

"Check the cabinet." He said trying not to giggle. You looked at him confused but checked the cabinet only to be hit in the face with a bag of flour. You stumbled back sputtering and spitting out the flour as Gi-hun laughed.

"You planned this, didn't you?" You asked.

"Yup." Gi-hun laughed out. You cracked an evil smirk as you grasp a handful of flour and smacked it on his face. Gi-hun stood there trying to process what happened then began to chase you. He grabbed you by the waist letting the flour rain off on you.

"Gi-hun let me go!" You squealed out as you shoved him off you. You looked at your arms to see them covered in flour. You laughed as you poured some flour into the bowl. "You are something else." You said.

"Eh but you love it." Gi-hun said as he poured the chocolate into the bowl. You began to stir the bowl while Gi-hun just looks at you.

"What?" You chuckled out. "Do I have some left over flour on me?" You asked as you poured the cake batter into the pan.

"Here I am baking a cake when the real dessert is right here?" Gi-hun said as he pinned you against the counter. Your face turned red as he leaned in. You leaned in as well to kiss him when you felt something ooze down your neck. You realized it was the leftover chocolate and squealed.

"Gi-hun!" You squealed out as he laughed. You smacked him in the face with some chocolate then smirked. Gi-hun wiped some off his face then looked at you as you put the pan in the oven.

"Okay it should be set so now we have to do is wa-" You were cut off by something slippery and slimy dragging across your neck. It was Gi-hun's tongue. "Hey!" You exclaimed.

"Sorry, I just wanted a taste." Gi-hun said as he licked his lips. Your eyes widen as you hit him on his chest.

"You're so nasty." You said. "And I thought Sang-woo was bad."

"He is bad, but I'm worse." Gi-hun growled in your ear as he continued to lick and suck the chocolate off your neck.

"Stooppp." You whined out. Gi-hun ignored you as he picked you up and set you on the counter. "You just love being both funny and horny do you?" You asked.

"Mhmm." Gi-hun said as he bit his lip at you. "My 못된 여자." You nuzzled his neck and nibbled at his ear. You two began to make out when you heard the timer ring making you pull away.

"Mmm, that's the cake." You said as you got down from the counter and opened the over door. You fanned the cake as you set it on the stove.

"Looks good doesn't it?" Gi-hun said. You nodded your head as Gi-hun pulled you in by his waist. "Now where were we?" Gi-hun said as he began to peck at your neck. You looked at the corner of your eye to see the cake beginning to grow bigger so you tapped Gi-hun's shoulder.

"Um, babe the cake." You said.

"Yes, I know it looks good." Gi-hun mumbled into your neck. The cake began to grow bigger and bigger so you tapped Gi-hun again.

"No the cake! It looks like it's about to exp-"


"Son, how's the baking coming al-" Mrs. Seong came downstairs to see 50% of the kitchen covered in chocolate. "What happened!?" Mrs. Seong asked as she looked at you and Gi-hun who was covered in chocolate.

"Uhhh, the cake turned into a bomb?" Gi-hun explained as he gave a nervous smile. Mrs. Seong crossed her arms as she looked at him.

5 minutes later

"And make sure you get the stove range too." Mrs. Seong said as you two scrubbed the cabinet doors.

"Yes ma'am." You said as you continued the scrub.

"I'll go get some more soap." Mrs. Seong said as she went into the bathroom.

"You just had to be horny." You muttered out.

"Hey my balls were growing big like that cake before it exploded." Gi-hun said.

"Go to horny jail, Seong." You said.

"Hey! Less talking, more cleaning!" Mrs. Seong called out. "Ah, to be young and full of hormonal love." She thought to herself.

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