Poly-ship Shenanigans: Return to Killer Manor-1(Female Reader)

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Ga-yeong's POV

October 31st, 2032

Dear Diary,

Today's Halloween and it feels weird that in some other countries and states, you get to dress up and eat candy but here in South Korea that doesn't happen. Well my parents and a few friends of theirs did follow up to the Halloween traditions that people do in America and Auntie Maggie wanted me to get into the spirit as well so she bought me a princess costume since appa always call me princess. I called my friends and we're all going to this one haunted mansion my dad told me about. I hope it is fun like they said it was.


"You're gonna love this haunted mansion sweetie." Gi-hun said as he continued to drive. "I remember my first time going there was during my college years."

"Monsieur , what's it like there?" Joi asked. Gi-hun just smirked which sent chills down their spines.

"Oh, you'll find out soon." Gi-hun chuckled darkly. Sang-woo smacked him upside his head.

"Don't scare the kids like that." Sang-woo scolded. "Anyway we're here." 

Ga-yeong looked out to see a huge mansion and her jaw dropped.

"That's a big house!" Michael exclaimed.

"Mansion actually." Ga-yeong corrected as she got out the car.

"Alright kids, have fun okay?" Gi-hun said as he poked his head out the window. "We'll be out here waiting for you."

"Okay dad." Ga-yeong said as she waved them goodbye. Ga-yeong and her friends all looked at the mansion and all of it's horrible glory.

"M-maybe we should just go home." Joi stammered out.

"I second that." Jason signed.

"C'mon guys, this is not only gonna be a fun experience for us but to also prove Zira wrong that we're not afraid." Ga-yeong said.

"I'd rather have her bust my chops then go in there and die." Michael said.

"Yeah...I'm already scared enough." Tristesse whispered out.

"Really? You're scared of a haunted mansion yet you're dressed like a ghoul." Joi pointed out.

"Shut up Joi." Tristesse said in a soft voice.

"Well I'm not letting Zira get under my skin this time." Ga-yeong said as she began to walk up the stairs. The rest of them began to follow until Ga-yeong stopped at the open door.

"The old open door trap...oldest trick in the book." Michael chuckled out. All of a sudden a cart that was filled with candy rolled into the middle of the hallway which caught Jason and Joi's attention.

"Candy!" Joi yelled out as she ran inside. Jason followed her much to the other's dismay.

"Guys wait!" Michael called out as he ran after them. Ga-yeong and Tristesse looked at each other then gulped as they both walked inside.

"Guys we gotta get out of here forreal." Michael said but before anyone could say anything, the door slammed shut.

"No!" Tristesse yelled out as she tried to pry the door open but no luck.

"We're trapped!" Ga-yeong cried out as she ran to the door and began to bang on it. "Dad! Appa! Help!"

With Sang-woo and Gi-hun

"You think this was a good idea to bring her here?" Sang-woo asked.

"Hey she did ask how did we celebrate Halloween in a place where they don't do it like how others do in America and she wanted to experience it herself." Gi-hun pointed out.

"I guess but maybe we should've showed her this place when she's in high school or something." Sang-woo said. "She's only 11."

"Babe, when we were 11, we had covered ourselves in fake blood to scare people around us." Gi-hun recalled. Sang-woo chuckled.

"And we had some spaghetti noodles and meatballs to make as the guts and a lot of people thought we actually murdered someone." Sang-woo laughed out.

"So what Du-ho does to them, I'm pretty sure it won't be crazier than how it was in our college years." Gi-hun said.

"Speak of which, remember afterwards when we got home and after we watched the movie things got a little crazy in the bed?" Sang-woo asked as he raised an eyebrow at him. Gi-hun blushed.

"What you hinting at Cho?" Gi-hun asked.

"Get in the back seat and you'll figure it out." Sang-woo said. Gi-hun chuckled as he climbed into the back seat.

Back to Ga-yeong

"Alright so my abbu told me the rules of surviving in this mansion." Ga-yeong began.

1. Don't split up(Don't go into the library because that's how it all began)

2. Don't go off anywhere alone

3. Don't make out when there's a killer on the loose here

"Why would we be making out?" Michael asked.

"Yeah I don't like anyone here like that." Joi said. Jason blushed behind his mask at the thought of him kissing Ga-yeong.

"I don't know, it's something abbu warned me about." Ga-yeong said. "Now that we're all good here, let's find the exit."

"We should check the back part of the mansion." Joi suggested. "Maybe we can escape through the backyard."

"Okay that should be a good idea." Jason signed as they all walked to the back of the mansion.

While walking, Ga-yeong noticed a disgusting smell coming from the kitchen.

"Smells like food that has been expired since I was born." Ga-yeong groaned out as she held her nose. They walked into to see a pig corpse hanging off a hook in front of them. Michael threw up at the sight of it.

"Alright...I'm gonna ask my mama to not cook me bacon for breakfast anymore." Michael groaned out as he wiped his mouth. Ga-yeong looked around and found no door.

"Alright there's no backdoor here." Ga-yeong stated. "Le-" Before Ga-yeong could finish her sentence she felt a rope wrap around her ankles and hoist her up surprising everyone.

"What the?" Ga-yeong exclaimed as the freezer door opened revealing Jigsaw who was riding out on his tricycle. Ga-yeong whimpered in fear as the floor she's hanging above began to  open up into the blade trap.

"I wanna play a game." Jigsaw said. Joi grabbed a nearby broom and was ready to beat Jigsaw but Jigsaw spoke.

"Let's not be hasty and focus on trying to save your friend before the rope snaps and send her to her demise." Jigsaw advised. "You have 1 minute to save your friend or she will die."

Ga-yeong's heart began to race after hearing the words "demise" and "die" and began to cry.

"APPA! DAD! HELP!" Ga-yeong screamed out.

With Gi-hun and Sang-woo

Gi-hun shot his head up.

"Did you hear something?" Gi-hun asked panting.

"No." Sang-woo replied.

"I thought I heard Ga-yeong screaming." Gi-hun assured.

"It probably was just a screaming decoration." Sang-woo mumbled into Gi-hun's neck as he continued to leave hickies on his neck. Gi-hun bit his lip trying to hold in his moans.

"Now get back to giving daddy some sugar." Sang-woo whispered into Gi-hun's ear.

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