High School Imagine: Meeting Sae-byeok's Parent(Female Reader)

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It had been right now 3 months since you've been dating the squid quartet. You all came to a meeting agreement that you take it to the next level and meet each of their parents. You decided to do Sae-byeok first since her mother has been dying to meet you from the moment Sae-byeok told her about you.

"She's going to love you, I promise." Sae-byeok said as she held your hand and rubbed it. The door opened revealing Sae-byeok's mother. She squealed quietly with delight at the sight of you.

"You must be the one who stole my daughter's heart." Her mom said.

"Guilty as charge." You said nervously.

"Come in, I don't bite." Her mom said as she grabbed your hand and led you inside. "Dinner is almost ready so go upstairs and wash your hands ladies." You and Sae-byeok went upstairs.

"I told you she would like you." Sae-byeok said as she smiled. You went into the bathroom to wash your hands. After you was done Sae-byeok motioned you over to a room. You walked in and was amazed by the interior.

 You walked in and was amazed by the interior

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"Is this your room?" You asked.

"Yep." Sae-byeok said. "Fits my personality all the way." You looked on the dresser to see a picture of her 8th grade graduation and chuckled.

"You had on braces back then?" You asked.

"Shut up, I had poor dental care back then." Sae-byeok said as she nudged you. You laughed as you examined her room some more. You looked on the nightstand to see a black notebook with a skull on it. You flipped through the pages and realized that it's Sae-byeok's diary.

This world is black like my soul

My tears are acid

Only darkness is my true friend

"It was a phase back then!" Sae-byeok said as she reached for the diary only for you to reach your hand back out of her reach. "Stop reading it!" She laughed. You both collapsed on the bed with Sae-byeok being on top of you. Silence began to fill the room. All you can hear was your own heartbeat. Sae-byeok then pressed her lips onto yours and you didn't hesitate to kiss back. The make out session was getting heated when all of a sudden the door swung open scaring you and Sae-byeok in the process. You both looked up to see a little boy standing there in shock.

"Mooommm! Sae-byeok is doing lesbo stuff again!" The boy yelled out.

"Cheol! Get out!" Sae-byeok yelled as she chucked a pillow at him. The pillow missed as Cheol blew raspberry at Sae-byeok. She got up as Cheol darted off. You couldn't help but laugh at the sibling shenanigans between them. When you two got to the dinner table, Sae-byeok's mom asked you a lot of questions.

"So where are you from?"

"HT/N in S/N."

"What are your intentions with my daughter?"

"To always put a smile on her face everyday."

"Did you two scissor each other yet?" Cheol asked before he yelled out in pain and held his leg. Sae-byeok had kicked him in the leg.

"Cheol, where's your manners?" Her mom said. "You know what? You and Sae-byeok both help with the dishes, I need to talk to Y/N alone anyway." Her mom said as she got up and motioned you into the living room. You sat down in the recliner as she sat down on the couch.

"So, has she told you about her late girlfriend?" Her mom asked.

"Yes, she told me about Ji-yeong." You said.

"I really hope you can make my daughter happy everyday because when she died...Sae-byeok rarely came out her room." The mom explained. "She hardly ate or slept and it was to a point where she nearly died from hunger and was sleep deprived. When I saw her come in one day from school smiling, I was like, "There's my happy babygirl. Who's responsible for making her smile?" and when I heard your name...I wanted to meet you to say thank you for bringing back my daughter's happiness." The mother said as she gripped your hand and sniffled as tears came down her face.

"I-it's always a pleasure Ms..." You said.

"Call me Kim, Kim Kang." Ms. Kim said in a cracked voice. You looked over her shoulder to see Sae-byeok standing there. Sae-byeok walked up to you guys and hugged her mother tight. Man, that was an emotional moment right there.

"Bye, come by soon!" Ms. Kim said as she waved you goodbye. As you and Sae-byeok began to walk you leaned over and pecked her cheek making her giggle.

"Your mother is really nice." You said.

"Like I said, I told you she'll like you." Sae-byeok said.

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