Squid Game Groupchat

919 20 19

Ali: Hey teammates 😀

Gi-Hun: Ali, we're not in the game anymore. Plus, didn't you die?

Ali: I'm texting from Heaven 👼 Sae-Byeok is here too.

Sae-Byeok: Leave me out of this 🙄

Gi-Hun: Anyway, how's the afterlife?

Ali: It's lonely 😥. I miss my wife and kid.

Gi-Hun: Do they know you're dead?🤨

Ali: I don't know. I don't know if the Front Man informs families of the deceased players or not. But, I would've been alive if it wasn't for Sang-woo🤬

Sang-woo: Hey, it was every man for themselves. You should've known that there was no loophole in that marble game.

Ali: But I had a family to get back to when I was alive. What's your excuse?

Sang-woo: 😐😐😐

Ali: My point exactly. I called you my hyung you traitor!

Sang-woo: Hey! Nobody told you to be nice and everything! When are you gonna learn that being nothing but nice gets you nowhere in life

Ali: It got me a wife and a kid that I'm pretty sure don't even know that I'm dead you sexist Harry Potter punk! What did you have against women besides the fact that you couldn't even tie one down yourself 🤬🤬🤬

Gi-Hun: I gotta heat me up some popcorn for this. Brb

Mi-nyeo: Damn Sang-woo and I thought I was good at manipulation and at being an evil bitch

Sang-woo: You still was the weakest link back when you were alive and you think that taking your own life to kill the man that screwed you over will make you an alpha or a good person? You just took your own life just to get rid of one's life. What were you thinking?🤨🤨

Mi-nyeo: I may not be in Heaven but at least I'm not in Hell with you and baby dick Deok-su

Deok-su: This dick had you moaning in the bathroom stall when you were alive. 🍆💦

Mi-nyeo: Lies! You couldn't even make me orgasm!💦🚫

Deok-su: That ain't what happened though. You can't fake science. 👨‍🔬

Mi-nyeo: Burn in Hell! Oh, that's right you're already in Hell🔥

Gi-hun: Alright I got the popcorn. What did I miss.

Ali: Mi-nyeo, Deok-su, and Sang-woo arguing like a married couple.

Mi-nyeo: Shut up alien!👽

Ali: Who are you calling an alien? At least I can find love and not busting my legs open to a guy who only was in it to kill.

Gi-hun: 😮😮😮

Sang-woo: Checkmate😶


Han Mi-nyeo has left the chat

Sae-Byeok: About time. She was annoying as fuck🙄

Ali: Someone needed to put her in check.

Sae-Byeok: Glad you did now all of you shut the fuck up. I'm trying to sleep on this cloud right now😴😴

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