chapter 12 - they did more

Start from the beginning

Amelia and I were astonished by the amount kai knew about the situation

"Well, what do we do?"

"Honestly, I don't know. Usually, sensory stimulation would help bring them back into their body, so being touched or hugged but in this situation, it would just make it worse, especially if what she's thinking about is being touched, it would make her think that what's going on in her head, is what's actually happening"

"Can we talk to her?" I asked

"You can try, if she hears a familiar voice enough, she could come out of it?"

"What did you say when she went out?" she added

"I suggested sedating her, so she was unconscious when they sutured her face because she doesn't want anybody to touch it."

"I'm guessing she was abused when she was younger?" kai asked

"Yes, by her dad and step mum as far as I'm aware"

"My best guess; she's thinking that someone hit her, and she fell unconscious"

"Why do you think that?"

"You were talking about touching her face, which I'm guessing she doesn't like because they used to hit her face, and then you suggested sedating her so she would be unconscious"

"How do you know so much?"

"I study the brain" she laughed

I walked over to Maya and sat in a chair next to her. I didn't want to touch her due to what kai said so I just sat next to her talking to her.

Amelia and kai were on the two chairs on the other side of the desk watching as I tried to bring Maya out of this.

"Come on Bella, it's me, its carina, wake up for me" I whispered softly into her ear

"Keep doing that" kai said sounding like they saw something

"Bella, it's me carina, nobody's going to hurt you, ok? Come back to me"

"She took a deep breath she's aware of her body," kai said confirming my suspicions

"Come on Bella, you're not there again, you're at the station, I'm here, I've got you"

"she's coming back she's moving her eyes," Amelia said noticing Maya's gaze lift slightly

"Good girl Bella, come on, were here"

I saw her move her head a bit and knew she was coming back. She turned her head to look at me, but it was as if she was looking through me.

"she's in control of her body but she can't see any of us," Kai said

I decided to risk it and placed my hand over both of hers in her lap.

"Come on Bella it's me, it's carina, I'm here, you feel my hands?"

We all see tears fill her eyes as she finally looks into my eyes


"It's me Bella, its carina, I've got you"

She moved over and put her head down on my shoulder letting the tears fall. I let her stay there until she calmed down before suggesting we went home.

We all went back to my house as I suggested that Amelia and kai stay in the guest room in case something happened in the night.

Maya had been quiet ever since what happened. I didn't want to push her, so I decided to just leave it until she felt more comfortable talking to me. We all went straight to our rooms planning to fall straight asleep, but I could tell something big was bothering Maya

Untouchable - maya and carinaWhere stories live. Discover now