Of course it was mentioned but I figured he was just saying that nonsense in front of Pops.  "You don't have to. I'm sure I'm okay to drive this morning."

   "I mean, you can drive if you want to but I'm still going."

   "You're stubborn," I tell him, narrowing my eyes.

   "You're beautiful," he quips back.

   And this is when it dawns on me that he's seeing me in all my unkept glory.  Shouldn't bother me, right? If he hadn't made that comment I wouldn't have even thought about it.

   "I thought I told you last night, that line doesn't work."

   "Guess I'll keep trying it until it does." And there's that smug smirk again.

   "I'm driving," I tell him, giving in.

   "That's fine, but the coffee and muffin are in my car. Guess I'll just have to enjoy Cafe Shay by myself. I hear their pumpkin coffee and muffins are really good."  Oh he hit below the belt with that one.

   "Let me guess. AnnaBeth?"

   "I never give up my sources. Just good detective skills, dear."

    I contemplate whether or not I'm willing to forego the best coffee and muffin I've ever had in my life. Looks like he takes note of it and teases me.

   He lifts his left hand. "Coffee and muffin for a ride with me." He lifts his right hand. "No coffee and no muffin for a ride alone." He moves his hands up and down as if he's weighing something.

   "Fine. Let me grab my stuff," I huff.

   "Yes! Evans 1, Opal 0," he snickers.

   "Incorrect Officer Evans.  Pumpkin 1 Evans 0,"  I correct him as I breeze past him, closing the door behind me.

"I'll take what I can get," he snickers after me.


  The ride to the hospital is more relaxing than the night before. There's no rush. There's still fear, but it feels differently today, maybe because I was able to see him last night.  To see that he's still physically with me. 

Conversation along the way is relatively shallow. Neither of us go very in depth with questions or answers. We're still merely acquaintances at this point; I wouldn't call him friend quite yet. And in just a couple more days, life will be back to normal, both of us forgetting these moments with one another.

   Today, Chris parks and we both go in together.  I'm very aware of the fact that each time he let's me move ahead of him, whether it be into an elevator or a room, he rests his hand on the small of my back. I don't know if it's specific to me or just a gentlemanly habit with all women. Probably the latter from what I've been able to gather from him the last few days.

I don't hesitate opening the door once we reach Pops room. "You decent old man?" I ask.

"Never!" he calls back as we enter the room.

Chris doesn't hang back like he did yesterday. He's right beside me as I lean over to hug my grandfather. Once I pull back Pops has his hand out ready for a shake. Chris happily obliges and returns the handshake.

"You're looking a bit better this morning," I tell him. He's no longer on the oxygen mask, just a nasal canula. "Did you get some rest?"

Pops gives me a funny look. "How much rest can you get when someone is coming in every two hours checking blood pressure and other stat crap? I'll tell you, it ain't much."

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