“Please, call me Bryce.” My father says, then turns to Mom.

“My love, you must be tired and starved.” He whispers, collecting her into his arms. I have always admired the way they have loved each other. Even through mom’s crisis, he always stood by her side. That is the kind of man I hoped to be to my woman.

It’s the kind of man I want to be for Violet.

“I can make something for you, if you’d like.” Violet offers, but Mom waves a dismissive hand.

“Oh no, I really just want to sleep. We’ve been driving for a while.” Dad looks at me, with a worried look on his face.

“Why did you guys drive here like that? I could have gotten you a flight…I could have picked you up.” Mom smiles wickedly.

“And miss the look of surprise on your sweet face? Oh no, my boy.” Violet laughs shortly at her and she must be thinking exactly the same thing I am: the smile is just like Nova’s.

“Well, I want you both to rest in your room. I can take up something for the both of you to eat.” Mom shakes her head, but Dad hesitates.

“I will eat something. I haven’t eaten in a while.” Mom slaps his shoulder, picking up one of her bags. He takes it from her.

“You ate an hour ago and I am capable of taking my bag up the stairs, thank you very much.” Dad shrugs.

“I am a hungry man and I so am I, so I am carrying it. Let’s put Momma to bed, Son.” He says, looking at me. Violet looks up at me and kisses my chest before unwrapping the arm she had around me. She realizes what she’s done and looks down, flushing.

“Mr. Hayden,” Dad clears his throat. “Br-Bryce, would you like me to make you something while you are up there?” He smiles kindly at her.

“You don’t have to. It’s okay, dear.” He says, picking up another bag.

“I want to, Bryce.” Violet whispers, looking at him with big, convincing eyes. I shake my head in disbelief when Mom sighs and Dad scratches his head uncomfortably.

They are completely and hopelessly in love with her.

I hope that doesn’t change if they find out who her father is.

“Make whatever you find suitable for this old man at this hour, but don’t trouble yourself.” She nods, smiling brightly at him.

“It’s no trouble at all.”

“Let’s get you guys settled in.” I suggest. Mom looks about to pass out and deciding I can’t take it anymore I go over and carry her, princess style.

“Ian Beck Hayden, I am too old for this.” I cringe at my second name.

“Oh, if you think saying that horrible name will make me put you down any sooner, you’re wrong.” I say and look at Violet who is trying hard not to laugh.

“Be right back, sweet girl.” She nods and we walk away and into their room, Mom complaining the whole time. I gently put her on the bed.

“I’m actually kind of glad I didn’t walk up those steps.” She says running a hand through her short hair. I bend and begin taking off her shoes. “Oh, you dn;t have to do that, Ian Beck Hayden.” I smile up at her.

“I want to. I never get to take care of you.” I whisper, rubbing her sore feet.

“Learn from your son, Bryce.” Dad scoffs.

“Please. I am the man. I taught this boy, Lucinda. You know I take good care of you.” I roll my eyes at the arrogance. See the resemblance yet? We laugh.

Fight Me (Fighting #1)Where stories live. Discover now