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"Hi, baby", Aimee cooed at her daughter from the coop. "I'm home". Davina began kicking her legs around excited that her parents were home.

"I fed her the pumpkin cinnamon purée, had her nap at two o'clock and played with her till now", Debbie listed.

"Thank you so much, Deb", Aimee hugged the girl who returned it. "Are you doing okay?".

"I'm fine, thanks for asking".

"Guys", Drew got everyone's attention. "I've got something to show you". Everyone then went to sit in the living room. "Yesterday I was researching something and I found this".

Drew opened an old book to a page. The page shows a skull and some words on it. "I found it in the Stregheria. It's the early Renaissance. The church used it to identify and persecute witchcraft. Now... my Latin is rusty but I think this is... is talking about a human sacrifice. A pure and innocent blooded human".

"No one can be pure and innocent. But a baby", Aimee states. "Is there a way to stop it?".

"Yeah. You can break the curse by destroying the altar it was cast from but this part looks Aramaic. This next part I can't read it", Ed sighed. "Let me take a look at the...". Ed stood up before he fell to the ground.



Everyone sat in the living room while waiting for Ed to wake from him fainting suddenly. "Honey, are you feeling alright?  What is it?", Lorraine asked her daughter who seemed quite fidgety ever since she found that her daughter has to be sacrificed for a ritual. Just as Aimee was about to answer, everyones head snapped to the sound of Ed's walking stick coming down the stairs. 

"Oh my goodness, Ed, how are you feeling?", Lorraine got up to walk toward her husband but suddenly Ed pulled out a kitchen knife pointing it at her. "ED!!". He stalked towards her with the knife while reciting a prayer. 

"DAD! GET AWAY!", Aimee screamed pushing her father away from her mother when suddenly his head snapped at her then something behind her. Davina. "NO!". Aimee ran and grab her daughter with Ed towering over her with a knife. 

"ED, PLEASE NOT HER! SNAP OUT OF IT!", Drew begged Ed. 

"Put the baby on the table, Aimee", she heard but this time it wasn't a whisper. Aimee looked to see a malnourished woman sitting on the couch looking at her with a sickening smile. "All we need is the baby and everyone will be saved". The woman launched forward placing her palm on Aimee's forehead. 

"Ed, you alright?", everyone helped him regain his balance after he snapped out of it. The sound of the knife scraping the floor caught everyone's attention. "Aimee...". Realization struck them, Davina lay on the table when Aimee raised the knife up above Davina's chest. 

"NO!", Drew tackled Aimee down while Ed and Lorraine recited a prayer which helped the situation. "AIMEE!". The girl started crying in frustration at why this is happening to her. 

"Davina", Aimee cried wanting to hug her daughter in apology even if it wasn't her fault for her getting controlled. 

"Don't touch her. Stay away, Aimee", Drew was quick to grab his daughter away from his wife. "How could you do that to my daughter?". 

"Please I didn't- I wouldn't. The witch controlled me, believe me. Let me hold her please".

"I'm sorry, Aimee, she can't be near you if this kind of thing keeps happening. I'm out of this case. My daughter and I will be leaving somewhere for a while, I can't I'm sorry". Ed, Lorraine, and Debbie stood there watching the couple fight not knowing what to do. 

"She's 'our' daughter, not 'your' and we make this decision together, please. We must have Davina with us at all times, not just one parent".

"I don't want someone dangerous with my daughter, that's you, Aimee". Lorraine left the house soon after finding a totem in their house. Drew and Davina quickly left the house leaving Aimee behind. The girl suddenly grabbed a cup throwing it to the wall with a frustrated scream. 

"Aimee, calm down. I'm sorry to say this but we have to concentrate on this case first then we will fix whatever happen just now okay? Your mother is in danger". Aimee agreed not wanting to argue so the father and daughter left for Father Kastner's house when they found out the whole thing has happened over there. 

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