I'm comforting my friends over the thought of losing my grandfather. Always thought it would be the other way around. Hopefully when the time comes they'll return the favor.

The moment is interrupted by the sound of a FaceTime call coming from Laura's phone. "Oh! I have to take this!" She gets up and goes out to my back porch.

"Who is FaceTiming her this late?" I ask the girls.

"Her officer, actually. They've talked every day since we got back last week," Rae informs us.

And with that I'm taken back to a moment of blue eyes, urging me to look into his own at the bar. The piercing looks he gave me from the stage while he sang. The strong arms that caught me when my heel broke. The smug smile he gave when I once again told him 'no.'

"Earth to Opal!"

'Back to the present, brain,' I tell myself.


"Have you decided which song you want to sing for the ceremony?"

Oh, right. Lily has given me a whole list of options, telling me I can have final say as long as I sing one for the ceremony and one for their first dance. "Almost," I assure her as I lie through my teeth.

"I'm sure you've narrowed it down by now. Which two are you thinking about?"


Somebody buy me some time, please.

The back door opens. Thank heavens.

"How's your Officer, Laura?" Rae asks changing the topic. God bless her.

"He's doing good, but can't come to the wedding now. He's covering for another officer's vacation," she explains while rolling her eyes.

"Do you really see this going somewhere?" I ask. "You're 300 miles from each other. Who knows when you'll see each other again."

"Actually he's coming the week after the wedding," she tells us. "And it's only a six hour drive. It's not like he's in Vegas."

Rae looks at the time on her phone. "As much fun as this has been, I do have to get home to my husband." She looks at Laura. "You riding with me or Lily?"

"I'll go ahead with you. But first," she starts. "Chris asked for your number, again."

"And he can keep asking. The answer isn't gonna change."

"Why not, Opal? He's super cute, seemed sweet and he obviously likes you."

"Alright, well...Maybe because you tried to move in on him? I mean you obviously turned him down, so there must be something wrong with him," I say getting flustered. I head towards my kitchen. I hadn't wanted to tell her that was part of my issue but here we are.

Laura looks shocked at my statement. "You think I turned him down? Sweetheart, you're wrong. He turned me down."

I stop in my tracks, turning to look back at her. "Wait. What?"

She nods back at me. "True story. He said he was interested in my friend, even more so after our performance."

"Why are you telling me this now? You were drunk. You must be remembering the night wrong."

"Not at that point. I mean, shortly after yes, but not when I met Chris."

It changes nothing in my mind. "He still doesn't get my number. Understood?" I point my finger at her. She rolls her eyes but nods. "Pinky promise!" I hold out my left hand. She intertwines her pinky with mine and exhales, "pinky promise."

At this point the night needs to come to a close. I urge them all over to the door. Hugs are passed around. I close the door, locking it behind them.

I move towards the bedroom, determined to get my mind to stop racing over what Laura confessed. I decide to take a long soak in the tub. I press play on the list Lily sent me for the wedding music, hoping to take this time to zone in on the two I'm willing to sing.

First up is Endless Love. That's an obvious duet and as far as I know none of their male friends can sing a lick. Moving on.

Next is Because You Loved Me. This has potential even though I'm positive I can't hold a candle to Celine Dion.

Here comes old Blue Eyes, Frank Sinatra with The Way You Look Tonight. Definite contender for the reception, but not the ceremony.

I hold back a laugh as I hear God Must've Spent a Little More Time On You. I knew she was going to try and squeeze in a boy band song.

Then comes Adele's Make You Feel My Love. Incredibly beautiful song, just not sure I can do it justice.

I realize I'm starting to prune and the water is getting cold. Maybe I'll have a dream that will lead me to choosing the right one. After pulling on a tank top and underwear I climb into bed, cuddling up to my pillow and blankets.

"Alright Sandman, do your job and show me a song," I say out loud as I close my eyes.

I find myself standing in the middle of a road, alone. There's a heavy feeling in my chest. I've felt it before, anxiety. I turn around, hearing a sound similar to footsteps. When I turn I see a fork in the road. To my right is a downpour of rain, moonlight and stars. To the left is sunshine, puffy white clouds and green trees. I take a step closer towards the sun's warmth and the heaviness in my chest gets tighter. I stop, pulling back to my previous position. I turn to towards the rain, letting my eyes peer towards the stars. I breathe in and take a step towards the moonlight. Peace envelops me as I hear a voice say "The storms are raging on the rolling sea
And on the highway of regret
Though winds of change are throwing wild and free
You ain't seen nothing like me yet."
The voice is familiar and for a moment I pause before moving forward again. My body begs to hear the voice again. I wait another moment but nothing.

The alarm goes off, pulling me from my dream. I grab my phone and open a text to Lily.

Me- I'll sing Make You Feel My Love for the ceremony.

Lily- it's about time! 😉 I'll come by the Inn this afternoon to double check the room list.

Me- See ya then.

Every New Beginning... (Chris Evans AU)Where stories live. Discover now