chapter 4 - the first touch

Start from the beginning

"Maya follow my breaths," she said while exaggerating her breaths

I felt myself calming down a bit and was no longer gasping for air like I was before.

"Maya, can I come upon the bed," she asked me hesitantly

I nodded slowly after assuming that she knew not to touch me.

She come and sat on the end of the bed while I was still curled in a ball trying not to freak out at the idea of my dad coming to visit.

"what's wrong Bella," Canina asked

"Nothing, I'm fine" I replied. I've never told anyone about my dad and I'm definitely not going to tell some stranger.

"Bella, you're not fine, I just found you having a panic attack in your office."

"It wasn't a panic attack I'm fine," I said while truly trying to convince myself

"Maya I know you haven't known me that long, but you can talk to me you know"

"did andy tell you?" I asked partially mad and andy for telling carina and then not even telling me

"don't be mad at her, she wanted to make sure you were ok"

"What did she tell you anyway," I asked wanting to know the extent of what andy said

"she just wanted me to know that you didn't like to be touched and wanted to know if something happened when I come to visit"

"you know, you haven't got to be scared to come near me" I replied


"all day you've been distant and acting like you were scared to come anywhere near me, why did you think I assumed Andy said something?"

"I'm sorry I just felt so bad for what I did, and I didn't want to upset you any more, Andy also said you may be on edge and I just didn't want to do anything to hurt you"

"Why do you care so much," I asked trying not to cry again at the fact that somebody in my life actually cares about what I feel

"why wouldn't I Bella" carina replied

We both got up and sat in my office while I tried to make myself look half decent before I went to the rest of the team.

I was sitting next to carina with my hand on my lap when carina started speaking


I looked up at her not knowing what she was going to say

"can I touch your hand," she asked cautiously

I was completely taken aback by the idea of somebody asking if they could touch me, especially after what happened the last time she touched me.

I looked up at her and to my surprise, I slowly nodded

"are you sure, I won't do anything you don't want me to do"

I nodded at her again and she slowly raised her hand and began to place it on mine. I was staring at our hands, completely in shock knowing that I had never allowed someone to touch me for over 10 years.

I felt my breath get stuck in my throat and as if carina knew, she tried to calm me down again.

"Bella look at me," carina said softly

I raised my gaze and looked into her eyes

"you're ok Maya, your safe," she said pushing the tears out of my eyes

"I haven't let anybody touch me for over 10 years," I said shocking myself at the fact I was opening up to someone.

"I'm so proud of you Bella" she smiled

We sat in silence as I was slowly taking in the fact that I allowed carina to put my hand on mine.

Andy's POV

I hadn't seen Maya for a while so I decided to check on her. I walked up to her office but stopped at the door as I heard carina talking. I looked through the window and couldn't believe what I was seeing.

I quietly ushered Travis over who was confused as to what I would want to show him in Maya's office

"what are we looking at," he asked walking over intrigued

"a miracle," I said in astonishment

We both stood there in awe as to what we were seeing

"oh my god. Does she not know?" Travis questioned knowing the last time he accidentally brushed against her she yelled at him and I had to try and calm Maya down.

"no, I told her," I said

"Maya is letting her touch her" I added in complete shock


Carinas POV

I was sat with Maya with my hand on hers not wanting to move in case I scared her. I was unbelievably shocked that I'm the first person she let touch her in 10 years especially knowing that I'm new to her.

ill be honest, I feel something with Maya, I get nervous around her and when I look in her eyes I can just feel something different.

"thank you," Maya said with tears in her eyes

I didn't say anything, I just lightly squeezed her hand hoping she will allow me to do so. She was fine with it and looked me in the eyes as she smiled

"I should probably go back out before Andy starts wondering where I am," Maya said

"sí," I said wanting to treasure the moment

Mayas POV

We left my office and went up to the beanery where everybody was sitting eating and talking and Carina and I sat down next to each other. I was so overwhelmed with happiness that I had completely forgotten about the text I had gotten from my dad.

That was until warren came upstairs.

"Hey Maya, there's a guy downstairs he's saying he's your dad?"

I froze. I blocked everything everybody was saying out. Until I heard carina next to me

"Maya are you ok?"

Everybody else was talking amongst themselves so they didn't realize that I was freaking out

"no, I... whys he.... What am I..."? I tried to say whilst trying to keep my breathing steady

"Hey Bella, come with me," carina said standing up and walking down the hall so nobody could see us

"what's wrong Bella?"

"Nothing, I'm fine, I need to go see my dad," I said quickly before rushing down the stairs

Untouchable - maya and carinaWhere stories live. Discover now