It's perfect timing as Bruno Mars "Locked Out of Heaven" starts playing. Our little group are big Bruno fans. In no time Lily has also joined us. I'm sure if Laura isn't busy sucking face with Chris yet she should be showing up soon too.

   The beat of the song floods my veins as I sway to the rhythm. I find myself smiling, enjoying myself again in an effort to forget about the blue eyes and warm smile that threatens to cloud my mind.

The song hits a point where the downbeat is strong. I can't help but kind of stomp my foot a bit along with it. That is until my heel breaks and I start to tumble backwards. I brace myself for the impact I'm about to feel across my bottom but instead am caught.

My body reacts startled after having been braced for a fall. Along with the warm breath I feel against my ear, "I've got ya." I straighten myself up to turn and thank the kind stranger, shocked to find Chris holding onto me.

"Oh! Uh, thanks. I appreciate it." I'm looking anywhere and everywhere but at him, knowing Laura has laid claim and I'm not interested in a cat fight.

I make an attempt to hobble off of the dance floor, walking very strangely on a single three inch heel. I manage to shuffle over to the bar which actually has a couple of empty seats. I pull the broken heel off, exhaling a sigh of frustration. This trip has been incredibly eventful, and not in a good way.

"You okay?"

The kind, questioning voice pulls me from my self pity. "Sure."

Chris dips his head to bring me to eye level. "That didn't sound convincing." We've spent less than an hour together over two days and he can already read me like a book? Must be an officer thing.

I just shake my head and chuckle. "Nope. I'm good. All is good." Even I know that performance sucked. Chris however is not swayed and sits in the seat next to me. The bartender comes over to check on us both. I'm surprised to hear Chris order a bottle of water instead of a beer. I put my hand up, signaling a no thanks. "Trying to sober up for the rest of your night?" I'm feeling pretty brazen apparently.

Chris's face is filled with confusion. "What do you mean?"

"The epic night I'm sure Laura has promised. Want to make sure you can perform, right?" Blunt has become my middle name.

"You sure you haven't been drinking?" He questions with a laugh.

"Sober as the day I was born," I assure him. "So? Where is the conquest taking place? Your home? A hotel? I need to know where to pick her up tomorrow."

"Wow. Do you talk to every guy that's trying to hit on you like this? I mean I guess I should consider myself lucky that I've gotten more than a 'no," he adds, resting his right forearm on the bar, turning more towards his left to face me full on.

"Listen. You're not interested in me, trust me, I've been in this situation before. You don't have to try and save face," I affirmed even though I'm angry at myself for opening up to a stranger. "After tonight, we will never see each other again. So, go have fun with Laura. Tell her to text me the address." I shift my body to face the bar top directly, essentially ending the conversation.

Chris grabs the back of my barstool, turning me towards the left, further away from him. He points his left hand over my shoulder, just in my line of sight. "You may want to relay that message to Spencer." I gawk in the direction he's pointing, seeing Laura latched onto a man's face. He then effectively shifts my seat back, facing him. "Now. Why don't you drink?"

I should apologize for my shameless attitude with this situation, but again, I won't see him past tonight.

"I'm not interested in a trip to the hospital," I say, casually tucking my hair behind my ear.

Every New Beginning... (Chris Evans AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt