"How do you know!" She turns her face slights as not to loose her balance.

"Because Donatello is the only soul tie you have on earth. You cannot fathom a world where he is alive and you are not. You are brave Calla but you are jealous and callous.
And after all Donatello has done for you. You cheapen his legacy by taking your life." I scold her. I was purposeful with my choice in words. She couldn't be the one to take her life.
The people of Genovia still needed her.

She turns around and cries before hopping down and collapsing to the floor. I run over and hug her, pulling her into the warmth of my dress as she sobbed.
And she told me everything.

I listened as she told me about her time in Espana. I hummed when she told me of the beautiful vineyards and laughed about some girl name Laura who had two names. I cried about the charred acres and beamed as she showed me the ring Donatello had given her on the night of their union in a small cottage by the sea.

"I am sorry Lizabeth, for not telling you sooner. You are my best friend...my sister.
But I was scared...worried of what you would think of me after having promised Donatello of my allegiance to the cause.
The last thing he said was to slit his throat."

Calla giggled lazily before looking into my eyes. "You sound just like him."

She looked down at her ring and smiled. "When I left Spain, the last thing I told him I would do was slit his throat."

"So why not do it?" I asked.

"Because... I am scared. I thought I could. I was  so bold when I was in the carriage writing everything in my journal but the farther I was from Donatello, the weaker I became"

"You must not let his distance cause your weakness.
Let it strengthen you" I urged.

She nodded, staring into my eyes.
"I will kill him...I must"


I thanked Lizabeth for her company. I was in a stupor of madness well beyond my control ever since I came back from Spain.

"Empress?" It was the doctor. "Im here to—" he paused once he surveyed the environment. I guess it did look odd. Imagine walking in on the queen of Genovia and her hand maid on the floor of a balcony. I was in a completely bare in unprincipled weather conditions. It was natural he would be taken back by the scene.

"Don't you men ever knock!!" Lizabeth stood and pushed him away, forcing him to turn around into the room. She yelled at him for a few more minutes before running to fetch a blanket to cover my dignity.

She came back and threw it over my shoulders, leading me off the floor and into the warmth of the room. " You still haven't updated me about the doctor" I pried ever so nosily. 

"There are no updates to inform you of Calla" Elizabeth was very quick to answer. She was always so secretive with her love life or lack thereof.
But she could not hide her emotions.
I knew she had feelings for the doctor.

"No updates at all?"

"Nothing at all" she shrugged, walking me over to the crackling fire.

"I see" I hum, staring at the glowing logs.

The doctor tiptoes into the room, cautiously. He did not want another scathing attack from Lizabeth. "Empress there you are! Sorry for barging in on such a...intimate moment"

I stand and turn around to face him. "That is fine"

"We'll I am here to check up on your schedule and make sure the baby is well."

"Of course" I nodded. I watched him as he prepared the bed for me to lay.
He helped me sit, laying my head against the pillows.

"Before we begin." I held my hand up to stop him.

"Yes empress!"

"What is the situation between you and my friend?"

"Pardon?" He blushes.

"As your empress, I am at liberty to know"

"Of course" he nodded, clearing his throat before looking at Lizabeth. "My feelings are strong for her empress"

"Strong? How strong?" I try to contain my excitement. Although I had to mature in the span of a few months, one thing that did not change was my sentiments for love.
How wonderful their story would be!

"I am in love with her empress." The doctor shows off a lovelorn smile. He stared down Lizabeth but she was too haughty to look his way.

"Is that so?"

He nods. "But I am afraid the feelings are not reciprocated."

"Is this true?" I stare at Lizabeth but she frowns and looks away.

"I wish to attempt to whoo her and always ask for a date and she declines. Always says she is busy" he tattles.

"Do you think this date will help your quest to win her heart?" I nosily pry.

"Yes empress"

I look at Lizabeth as she blushed.

"Lizabeth, tomorrow? You are free from your duties. And the next day. Actually you have two weeks off."

"Calla!!" She gasped, enraged I would suggest something so ludicrous.

"Your excuse of business has been solved."
She would snap me in two if she could.

"Thank ...you empress" she smiles between clenched teeth.

"I live to serve!" I pat been cheek and lay down so the doctor could feel my stomach. "I want to plan the date if that is alright with you Doctor?"

"Calla" Lizabeth fumed.

"You can take the ballroom. I'll have the chefs cook the most wonderful meal! There will be candle lights and music! Oh I must hire a band!"

"Calla!" Lizabeth shouts, snapping me from my excited jubilee.

"Oh...I'm doing it again aren't I Lizabeth?"
She nodded, looking at the floor before biting her lip.  That was the downside of being a hopeless romantic. I took things way too far.

"I will be a mere leech on the wall and stay out of it" I vow before laying down so the doctor could start his examination.

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