chapter ten part one

Start from the beginning

When I got back to my dungeon I threw the stupid dress to the floor. Why didn't I just look at the stupid dresses before I picked it? I could have found one that wasn't so bad. One that looked a little better than this stupid thing. And trust that bitch to think its funny. I'm not the most girlyest of girls, so its pretty obvious that I wouldn't wear a dress like that one. But I had no choice, I bloody stink of sweat, dirt, damp and dried blood. That's not really a good mixture, so it was either wear the stupid dress or stay in my smelly, dirty clothes. "I guess I have no choice but to wear the stupid dress then" I said to myself.

I took of my dirty clothes, the clothes I once loved. The corset wasn't in such a bad condition, but the skirt was ruined. I threw them to the floor and picked up my new dress. Before I put it on I looked down at myself, and felt sick at the sight of my own body. My ribs were more prominent than before, sticking out my tight skin. My once juicy bum and good size thy's were now gone. Replaced by bone and skin, no fat or muscle there. I quickly shoved the dress on, covering the sight of my discusting body. I looked like one of those models that walked the catwalks back home. Sickly thin and unhealthy. I hated it, I'm a girl who loves to have meat on her bones. Not that I ever had much to be fair, but what I had was better than nothing. And I've never really been a girl who can gain weight easily.

When I had the dress on I could feel its weight. It probably weighed more than me, with its stupid amount of layers. I pulled up my outer skirt to see a plain white one underneath. It looked better than the pink one on top so I ripped it of and threw it to the floor. That would be used as a blanket tonight to keep me warm. There wasn't much I could do to the top part of the dress other then rip off the bows. But I have to admit that when I did rip them off, it looked a hell of a lot better. And felt a hell of a lot lighter.

After I finished customising the dress I used the outer skirt that I ripped from my dress to keep myself warm as I leaned up against the wall. Slowly I fell asleep. I was hoping that little Angel would come and see me again, but she didn't. Instead I dreamed about random things. Things from my past, like hanging out with Kierre at uni. The few parties I did go to, and the few times I went out with my mom. We didn't go clubbing or anything like that. But we would go out for meals every now and again. Like when I finished secondary school, then again when I finished sixth form. I was in the top five percent of the whole school on grades, so my mom liked to go out and celebrate it when ever we could. She was so proud of the fact that her daughter was a brainiac. She loved to throw it in peoples faces.

Oh how I missed my mom. Being stuck here for all this time made me realise how stupid and petty our arguments were. Even the lies that she told me to keep me safe. And not telling me who I really was. I mean sure I was pissed as hell when she finally told me the truth. But looking back on it now made me realise how stupid and petty I was to have a go at her. I should have told her that I loved her more, called her more when I was at uni. Even doing silly little things like washing up when I was living with her. I should have done more just to let her know that I loved her, and how much she meant to me.




When I went to tell Angel a bed time story she asked me to sleep in her bed with her. She didn't seem scared to be on her own but I couldn't leave her on her own, not if she didn't want to be. So happily I agreed, I tucked her in then got in the bed beside her. Cuddling her to my side. "What story do you want to hear tonight?" I asked her in a quiet voice. "Can you tell me more about princess Liza?" she asked me, a sweet smile on her face."If that's what you want then yes" I said back, happy that I could talk about my love.

"The day she first kissed me is one of my fondest memories. She got exited over the fact that she managed to run faster than any human. So in excitement she kissed me, as soon as she realised what she did tho she ran away crying. I ran after her to make sure that she was okay, when I finally caught  up to her in her room she was still crying. The look on her face broke my heart, I hated seeing her that way. But when we admitted how we felt about each other she got so happy, she even let me kiss her. And that kiss was so much better than the first. It was full of love for each other.

Her mom wasn't happy about us being together, but eventually she gave in. She just wanted her daughter to be happy, and considering that fact that I made her happy she gave in. She thought Liza was too good for me, and to be honest she is. But for some mad reason, unknown to me she loves me. She wants to be with me. I think that I've always known that I loved her, but I didn't realise it until I met her.

You see i used to work for Lianna, Liza's biological mother. But she was evil, she wanted to corrupt Liza. To make her as evil as she is. She had people follow Liza in the human realm and take pictures of her, so with me working so close to Lianna i saw those pictures every day. I watched her as she grew up, from a baby, to a toddler, to a teenager to the beautiful woman she is now. I thought I only felt for her in a family kind of way, but I soon realised after meeting her that I actually loved her.

I looked over to Angel to see that she had fallen asleep again. I pulled her closer to me, keeping her safe as I to slowly fell asleep. Angel was in my dream, she stood there smiling at me. "Hello Damen" she said in her sweet voice. "Hey my little princess, what are you doing here?" I asked her, confused. "I have a message for you" she admitted walking over towards me. I didn't move as she placed a soft hand on my face and filled my head with image after image of Liza. My beautiful amazing Liza. She then showed me a video, or what seemed like a video.

"Do you want me to tell him anything for you? Angel asked a sad looking Liza. "Oh, would you please?" Liza asked, looking exited and hopeful. "Yeah, just say whatever you want to say and I'll show him" Angel explained to Liza. "Okay" Liza said then took a deep breath. "Damen I love you, and I miss you so much.I hate being here but I that one day I will get to come back home, back to you. So I'm making do" she stopped looking sad again.

I could tell she was trying to hold back tears. "Lianna locked me in a dungeon after I refused to eat, but I did something bad. Very bad. She sent Helga down and because I didn't feed or eat I attacked her. I didn't mean to but I nearly killed her. I don't want to stay here and become a monster like Lianna. That's why when she said I could have the room that I was in when I first came here back I said no"

"You have to be quick, I'm going to wake up soon" Angel said, causing Liza to stop talking. "Okay, Damen I love you, never forget that. Tell my mom and Anthony not to worry about me. That I'm okay" She begged me. "And I will see you as soon as I can" she finished off. "I'll show him that tomorrow night" Angel promised Liza with a smile on her face. "I have to go now, but can I come back and visit?" Angel asked Liza. "Of course you can Angel, your always welcome" Liza said smiling. "Thank you princess Liza, I've got to go now. But I'll be back" Angel promised her then everything went blank.


Okay my pretties I'm leaving it here tonight. I hope you like it so comment, vote and fan. Just to let me know. I appreciate every vote, comment and fan that I do get. I reply back to every comment you guys post.

So do you like? is the story line getting more interesting? are you sad for Liza and Damen? and what do you think of Angel?

P.S  I Love you all xXx

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