Infected by the heavy atmosphere, Jimin's children suddenly started sobbing and it took mere seconds for Jungkook to burst through the wooden door, hair tousled, eyes open wide with confusion written all over his face. "What's going on?!" He gasped, still breathless from how fast he must've ran to their aid as soon as he noticed the bitter scent of his mate's and his pups' distress. His worries were quickly eased, however, when he saw his beloved pink fox smile sweetly, a small hand waving him closer to calm the pups with their father's presence. "It's alright." He whispered and kissed Jungkook's cheek once he obediently knelt beside them. "We just need a moment but we'll be fine."

That's what he hoped but even Jimin knew, the feeling of unease wouldn't disperse easily this time around. All they could do was wait anxiously for a sign, for the perfect opportunity that might never arise. It's a dangerous gamble. One that strains their morals and convictions. How do you protect yourself when every second of hesitation could take another person's life? Just thinking about it made Jimin feel like a dirty coward.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Jungkook-ah, I'll take the pups for a walk."
It was a few weeks later. Taking walks in the morning had become a relaxing routine, not only for Jimin himself but also the overexcited toddlers who wouldn't sit still once they were awake.
They walked through the forest outskirts, along the beaches with their paws sinking into the wet, clinging sand before the soft waves washed it all away. The sand between their toes, the paw prints they left behind. The ocean erased it all.
Feeling like he could finally breathe freely, Jimin put a hand on his chest and inhaled, feeling his chest expand while his eyes wandered to the hints of land on the horizon. Sometimes he could see it clearly, the mainland, but today it was almost completely hidden in the foreboding fog that covered the unusually violent ocean.
"Looks like a storm is coming…" he mumbled softly to himself but froze when he felt the soft baby fur of his pups tickle his ankles. The little ones had huddled around him, all of their eyes directed at the unruly water and the waves that seemed to grow higher by the second. The smallest of them, little Jitae whose brown fur had started changing into a bright red hue, even growled at the sight and puffed his fur as, trying his hardest to protect his ironically bigger siblings. "Shhh… it's alright, don't be scared, my Loves. Let's go home, we shouldn't be so close to the water when it's so unpredictable. Let's tell Daddy, Joonie, and Yoongi hyung to keep an eye on it."

The previously mentioned Alphas already noticed the darkening sky. Even Taehyung stood outside of his small hut with his wide eyed, thumb sucking son in his arms, gazing upwards at the sweltering smoke-like clouds. "Damn, that looks scary." He yelled and waved when seeing Jimin and his small entourage return. "Good thing you're back. You know how unpredictable the waves can get with that kinda weather."
"Yeah, I know. It was fine when we were there but I reckon it's gonna get worse in no time."
They ushered the children inside before taking cover themselves. Jungkook was the last to return after making sure everything was secured but he didn't look happy. If anything, Jimin realized, he looked much more worried than before.
"Did you notice? I thought it's just my imagination but it feels like the earth is shaking a little. There are waves but I can't even feel the slightest breeze and there's a booming sound, like thunder, yet there's no lightning from what I can tell. It's odd. I have a bad feeling about this."

He wasn't the only one who felt that way. They experienced a lot of intense storms before but it's never been like this, so ominous that it made their skin crawl.
"Well, there's not much we can do but wait." Jimin replied with a small shrug while gently rubbing his nose against his pups' necks, scenting them thoroughly to hopefully calm them down and stop their heartbreaking cries. "Shhh… It's okay, nothing will happen to you. Mommy and Daddy will always protect you."
Jungkook watched them fondly, proudly even. When they first met, he couldn't have imagined what it was like to be a father, to see your mate, the person most important to you, cradle those small bundles who hold both of their dreams, their love, inside of their tiny bodies. His endless adoration for Jimin wasn't shared but it grew tenfold until his heart was so full, it might as well burst. And yet, the thought of exploding into a million pieces had never seemed so sweet.

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